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Well shit.

It was her. Samantha. The woman Harry had been telling me about. She was in front of me and Harry was upstairs. What do I do?

I didn't say anything. I watched her stand there with her golden hair blowing in the breeze in the cold air. Instead, I awkwardly looked at her and slammed the door shut.

Boy, did I really do that? That was kind of rude. I shouldn't have done that. I could have been more polite. I didn't know much about her, so I don't really have anything against her. 

I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door again. I was surprised to see her still there. Samantha crossed her arms over her chest and scoffed, "You really slammed the door in my face? Who the hell are you?"

"I-I'm Grace," I said, slightly intimidated by her. I asked politely, ''May I ask why you want to see Harry?''

Samantha let herself inside, ''Oh, and who are we? His personal assistant?''

I scratched my head, ''I-I didn't let you in. I don't think it's a good idea for you to be here. I think you should leave.''

She said, ''I'm here to see Harry, not you.''

Harry was upstairs with Joey, cleaning up his cut. I have to handle this situation well and do what Harry would want me to do. I wasn't sure how he'd feel about her being her. From the way he talked about her, he was really hurt by what she had put her through and seemed like he didn't want to see her again. I shook my head, ''I'm sorry, but you should go. He's busy right now.''

Samantha huffed, ''Why are you in his home? He didn't have another daughter, did he? Surely, I haven't been gone that long.''

''No,'' I sighed, ''I do live here, though, which makes this place my home too. So, I'm going to need you to leave.''

''Look, this is none of your business. Please don't speak for Harry,'' She lectured, ''If he tells me himself that he doesn't want to see me, I guess I'll leave. But, I don't need a child bossing me around.''

"Is everything okay down here?" I heard Harry clear his throat. His deep and husky voice filled the room as his footsteps got closer.

Samantha smiled when she saw him, ''Miss me?''

Harry approached the two of us and looked and the young woman on his doorstep. Harry's eyes instantly widened and his jaw dropped. His face fell, and he didn't speak for a good ten seconds. The only word he managed to get out was, "Samantha?''

"Holy cow," Samantha said once she saw Harry. She said, ''Talk about change.''

"I didn't think you'd come," Harry snarled. Harry stood in front of me and looked at me, "Grace, maybe you should go.''

"Oh Harry, you look fucking sexy." Samantha licked her lips, looking at Harry. "Your hair's gotten so long. Did you get new tattoos? Shit, your voice is deep. Fuck, you're tall-"

"Stop,'' Harry cut her off. He was looking at her with pure hatred in his eyes. "Get out of my house. You're not welcome here. Leave, Samantha. Leave right now.''

''Harry, I came back,'' Samantha whispered, ''Isn't this what you wanted? You're finally seeing me again after so many years. You can't act like everything we had wasn't real. I'm here to fix it.''

''You left me without a reason. We were supposed to be a team,'' Harry shook his head and ran his hand through his hair frustratedly, not being able to comprehend that she was standing in front of him right now, ''I don't want to speak to you.''

''First,'' She pointed at me, ''Who is she?''

Harry said, ''Grace is my wife's daughter.''

Samantha widened her eyes, ''Wife?''

Harry nodded, ''Yeah. I moved on with my life. You should do the same.''

Samantha said, turning to me, ''She slammed the door in my face and bossed me around. Shouldn't little girls like you be upstairs doing their homework or something? Why are you still here? This is a situation for adults. Let the big ones speak.''

''Don't,'' Harry snapped, ''Please, just leave.''

Samantha said, ''Things can go back to the way they used to be, Harry. You and I with Bella and Joey.  I've returned.''

Harry snarled, ''You couldn't remember your son's name a week ago and now you want to be back in his life?''

Samantha asked, ''Are they here right now? You can't stop me from seeing them, Harry. I am their mother.''

''Biological mother,'' Harry said, ''But a real Mum loves their children unconditionally and cares for them.''

''You have no right to say all these things to me when you don't even know why I left,'' She said, ''You just don't.''

Harry said, ''Enlighten me then!''

''I left because we were so young and things started to change,'' Samantha said, ''Things were different. Raising two kids was difficult. I started to get depressed. We definitely cared a lot for each other. You were always there for me. Suddenly, I couldn't handle it. I know you remember me going to parties more often and leaving you in charge for more than twice a week. Then, things happened.''

Harry asked, ''What things?''

''I made such a big mistake, Harry,'' She explained, ''I ended up... I ended up getting pregnant. Again. I cheated on you. I know that I was in a relationship with you at the time. Everything happened so fast. I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't even know how to tell you that I cheated on you and made such a big mistake---

''I can't believe this,'' Harry muttered, ''So you ran away from me? Just like that? Samantha, just leave! Now!''

We heard footsteps from upstairs. The footsteps got closer. They were light and delicate footsteps. A bandaged Joey came into sight and his small and soft, yet concerned voice interrupted our conversation, "Daddy? Why are you screaming?"

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