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"What if Louis will notice?" I asked, biting my lip. The two of us slowly tip-toed down the stairs, and watched Daddy and Louis talk from the staircase.

"Alright, I'm leaving now. I'll just say goodbye to the kids first," Daddy said and Louis hummed. Daddy walked down the hall and started to go up the stairs. He saw us and said, "Oh. You guys are right here."

"Yep," Bella said. "Are you leaving now?"

"Yes. I'm sorry, honey. But don't worry, okay?" Harry said, pulling her in for a hug first. "Oh, I think it would be a good idea for you to rest, Bella."

"It's fine. I feel better," she smiled.

He smiled back and hugged me tightly. "Bye, Buddy. I'll see you in a while," he grabbed his coat from the rack and slid his arms in his blazer. He opened the door, and waved before leaving.

"Okay, let's go!" Bella whispered, tiptoeing down the stairs as quick as possible. I tiptoed behind her and looked out for Louis.

"Hey, you two down here already?" Louis asked as he noticed the both of us. "Wanna watch something on TV?"

"We're good," Bella responded. "Maybe you should watch something on TV. We're just gonna play in our room."

"Alright," Louis mumbled, helping himself and opening the fridge, grabbing an apple. "But I have to give you your medicine and you have to be asleep in an hour."

"Got it," Bella said, and I nodded. Louis washed the apple, and started to bite onto it. Soon enough, he walked into the living room.

"Quick! He might have left!" Bella whisper-yelled at me. She started to run, and I followed behind her.

The two of us opened the door, and carefully shut it. We both saw that Daddy's car was outside and he was on the phone with some important person.

We quickened our speed, jumping into the backseat. It was difficult for us to open the doors but we managed. We jumped into the car and hid ourselves under the blanket.

"I don't think this is a good idea." I mumbled, watching Daddy still on his phone.

"Of course it's not a good idea!" Bella said. "But we have to stay quiet! He cannot know we're in his car!"

"I'm pretty sure he's going to find out. Then he's going to kill us." I groaned. "Why did you make me do this?"

"Because I couldn't do it alone. We have to do it together." Bella said. She diverted her attention outside and glanced out the window. She saw Daddy's figure getting closer. "He's coming, he's coming! Hide!"

"Oh shoot," I said. I grabbed the crimson blanket and hid myself under it along with Bella.


The drive to the motel had been quiet and relaxing, but I couldn't wait to see Gracie again. I never liked driving alone, it made me feel lonely. So now, I couldn't wait to see Gracie in my car and talk to her.

I messaged her that I was outside. I didn't know what she was planning on telling Erin, but I certainly hoped her plan would work.

Now, I was waiting outside. I wasn't inside the car, but instead leaning my body on it. I ran my fingers through my hair and my plan now was to wait.

I saw a vague figure from afar, more of a feminine figure. It started off as a shadow, and got closer and closer. I recognized that hair and those curves immediately. The way she was walking, it was her.

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