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Hello, this chapter has a bit of a time jump. It's just to give you an idea of what's being going on in their lives. It's not a really big time jump and it won't be much different. This does not mean that the book is ending, it's not much of a jump and only a few things have changed.


''How are you feeling now now, Erin?'' Harry asked her, patting her back. Mum slowly walked on her crutches closer to us, struggling only slight but forcing a smile on her face.

'"Harry, I'm fine. You don't need to ask me the same thing every day. Although I do appreciate your concern," Mum said with a pleased smile. She lifted her crutches up happily and showed off a bit of her skills. She giggled, "See how great I am at using these things?"

"Yeah, you're terrific." Harry chuckled. "Hang in there, Erin. Next week they'll be off."

"I kind of like having these. They're fun," Mum said, playing around with her crutches. She played with those things a lot, almost a little too much. Sometimes she had to be reminded to not get carried away. She added, "Plus, I feel kind of cool when everyone asks to try them."

"Alright then," Harry nodded his head. He walked towards the stairs and called, "Bella! Joey! Come down here, please!"

We heard them reply, and soon, they were running down the stairs. They answered him, and their footsteps got louder. They raced each other down and Joey was the first to yell, "Good morning! Good morning!"

"Morning, babies." Harry greeted them by kissing each of them on the head. He helped them take a seat and said, "Come on now, eat up quick. Your Mum's coming over soon."

I said good morning to the kids. Things sure had changed since a couple of months ago. The kids now know who their Mum is, and I am not going to lie, but Samantha is actually making an effort. She has not done anything wild yet, which is surprising, but Harry is still skeptical. He said that he believes the children should get a chance to know their mother. It turns out that Samantha actually moved here to have a part in her children's life.

They have bee hanging out but obviously Harry still doesn't trust her. Every time the kids do see Samantha, Harry makes sure that they are being supervised by a trusted adult. Harry knows how horrible she is, but over the last few weeks, Samantha had convinced him that she was really going to try and he gave her a chance.

To me, Samantha is still a deluded psychopath. She is the same to Harry, but he's doing this for his kids. I cannot tell you how much hatred I have for her. She is the woman who tried to kill my own mother, and there's no way I'll ever forget that.

I ended up finding out three weeks ago that the only reason Samantha tried to put my mother in danger was because she moved back in with Harry and forgave him.

The kids found out about Samantha being their mother a few weeks ago, and it went something like this,

"You're our Mummy? We have a Mummy?" Joey asked, absolutely puzzled. Samantha and Harry were standing in front of both children, and she nodded. I was standing here because Harry wanted me to.

Joey looked between his father frantically. His lips parted, and his blue eyes lit up, a small sparkle was easily accident in those eyes of his. He whispered to his father, "Are you serious? We have a Mummy?"

"Yes, Joey. Um, you do." Harry cleared his throat. He softly asked, "How do you feel, babies? Talk to me."

"So it is true!" Bella cheered. She had a much more enthusiastic reaction whereas Joey was still processing this. Bella's reaction may have been different because she was aware or suspicious of this earlier. She jumped up and down, "We have a Mummy!"

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