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Bella and Joey were now at school. I wasn't exactly myself this morning. My after that phone call with Samantha. Never in a million years did I think she would call me back.

My mind traveled back to the time when the two of us weren't the way we are now. When we were much closer. When we were happier. Then, everything changed. She left without saying goodbye. God knows why she left. I just wish she would've told me. I spent the next few years not knowing where she was or if she was okay. That was the first time I felt betrayal and hurt.

"Harry, do I have to go to school?" Grace's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and memories, "Maybe we could do something else. Like have some fun!"

I cannot tell you how many times I've had this conversation with her. I said, "Grace, you are going to school and that's that. No more of this."

"Think about it, this is the perfect opportunity for us to hang out," She crowned, "We could go out and do something fun!"

I said, "I have work."

She said, "It's only one day. Besides, I don't really want to show up after all that. Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

I looked over at her and saw that she was giving me the infamous puppy-dog-eyes. I shook my head at her pouting, "Don't do that, Grace. Don't do that. Look, I understand that you don't want to go back but you're going to have to some day. It's better to just go."

She said, "I'm in the mood for ice cream! What about you?"

I told her, "What you should be is in the mood for biology and chemistry. Off you go, then."

She said, "It's just one day. I promise I'll never ditch again. Please? We'll have fun together. We can go and get some ice cream and enjoy. I promise you that I'll never ditch again."

I sighed, "It wouldn't be right for you to ditch. If your Mum found out, she'd be mad at me."

Grace said, "I won't let you take the blame for it. This is all my idea. So, what do you say?"

I knew I was going to regret this. I looked at her and gave in, "Alright, fine. We'll get ice cream. But, you are going straight to school after that because I have to get to work. Besides, I don't want you near Austin."

She stretched her fingers excitedly, "Yes! Thank you so much! So, shall we?"

I nodded, "Ice cream it is, then."

I began to drive and the guilt inside me only increased. I took a turn as we got closer to our destination. It was a quiet ride. Very quiet with comfortable silence. I didn't know what Grace was thinking about, but my mind only went back to Samantha and her phone call.


I glanced at her as I kept my hands on the steering wheel, "Yeah?"

"I don't mean to sound nosy but," Grace asked, "Ever since you answered your phone back at home earlier, you've been acting kind of quiet. You don't have to tell me who you were talking to or anything because that's completely your business. But, are you okay?"

I was surprised to know that she had noticed the little details in the way I had been acting. I shrugged, "No one important. Just someone. Don't worry, Grace. I'm okay. Thanks for caring, though."

"Everything's okay, right?"


"Sure everything's fine?"

I chuckled, "You're just like your Mum. Repeating stuff over and over again until you're convinced."

She said, "Just making sure."

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