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"Okay, it was nice to see you guys." Mum said. "Thanks for the party, Harry."

"Oh yeah, it's no problem." Harry smiled widely, escorting the both of us outside.

His eyes met mine, and I knew exactly what he was thinking. It was like he was reminding me about tonight, but with his eyes. I got the message and sent him a signal back.

"We'll see you soon," Mum said.

Harry nodded, holding the door open for us both. I thanked him and walked outside before saying, "Bye, Harry."

"So, today was extremely tiring." Mum mumbled. She noticed something on the ground and groaned, throwing her hands all over the place. "You have got to be kidding me, Grace! I swear, if I see one more shirt lying around."

"I'm sorry, Mum." I murmured. The truth was that I didn't exactly pay attention to what she was on about. I heard her, but didn't really pay close attention. Instead, I was painting my nails.

I know it's a small and simple detail that might not really be noticed, but details are important to me.

"Honey, why're you painting your nails?" Mum asked, as she cleaned up the room.

"Because I.. want to," I stammered. I dipped the tiny brush into the nail polish and applied more on my right hand.

"At this time?" Mum asked another question, putting some pillows away. Now I had to think about how I was going to make an excuse to get out of here.

"Actually, Mum. I just remembered," I wiggled my hands and moved them back and forth in the air. "In about an hour, I have to go somewhere."

"Oh honey," Mum cracked up, continuing to tidy up the room. "For a second it sounded like you were saying you have to go somewhere."

"That is what I said." I replied blankly,  blinking a few times.

"What?" Mum looked up, trying to adjust everything in her hand. "Where do you need to go?"

"It's for school." I lied. "I'm working on this project with someone from school and we have to finish it at her house."

"There is no way you're leaving. You really think I'm going to let you go out right now? You don't even know the way from here." Mum lectured.

I mentally groaned, knowing this was going to happen. "I do, Mum. Trust me, I'll be fine. In case you forgot, I'm eighteen now. I can make my own decisions."

"Fine, but I'll be saying 'I told you so' when you come here telling me about how you got lost." Mum pressed her lips together.

"So that's a yes?" I asked, obviously hoping it was. I knew it was going to take her a while to tell me she had agreed. Believe it or not, my Mum doesn't like to say yes to me very easily because she knows how much it'll satisfy me, so she answers my questions indirectly.

"What's her name?" Mum asked, setting everything on the bed and putting one hand on her hip.

"Er..ica. Her name is Erica." I stuttered. I was about to say my Mum's name, but then added onto it.

"Erica? Where does she live?" Mum asked, humming to herself.

"In this city." I answered.

Mum rolled her eyes, not bothering to comment on that one. She asked again, "When will you be back?"

"When I'm done on the project. It could take a while, but it won't take too long." I slowly bit my lip.

She nodded. I ran into the other room and got myself ready. It was difficult to do everything with freshly painted nails, but I could manage.

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