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I was also quite anxious because I would be throwing a party at my, well Harry's, house tonight. Niall had convinced me, and I willingly agreed.

I just had to sneak around to make the whole plan work.

"Have you got everything?" Mum asked  as we were standing outside Harry's home. I nodded, and she rung his doorbell. "Okay."

The door opened, revealing a very happy and cheerful Harry with open arms, "There you guys are, welcome back."

"Hi," Mum said, hugging him.

"Hey there, Gracie." Harry greeted. After pulling away from my Mum, Harry moved on to me. With open arms, he tackled me in a very warm and endearing hug. I wrapped my arms around him. Though the hug was short, it felt amazing and I wanted to stay in his arms forever.

"Come on in, you guys." Harry pulled away from me, helping us with some of our stuff and opening the door. We walked in, and Harry said, "I am so happy to see the both of you again. I'm so glad you're back. Once again, Erin, thank you. This means a lot to me."

"It's no problem, Harry. It was.. It was my fault for jumping to conclusions." Mum said quietly, "Let's just forget about what happened and move on from this."

"That sounds great." Harry nodded his head, sending me a smile. I bit my lip, and walked into the living room.

"Hello, hello. It is very nice to see you again," Joey said excitedly. The kids ran up to the both of us individually for a couple of seconds each.

"It feels good to be back here." Was all I could say. I was still surprised that Mum had agreed to come back here. She sure did take her sweet time, but I'm happy with the outcome. It took a lot of convincing, but at least we're back here now.

"It feels good to have you back." Harry said, leaning half of his body on the table with a smug grin plastered on his face.

I nodded my head awkwardly. Thoughts suddenly started to flood my mind. I thought about the party I was going to throw tonight, and how I was going to get away with it.

Did I think throwing a party was a good idea? No. I enjoy parties, I really do. It would just be strange doing it here, but Niall insisted and I do feel like I should have some fun.

"I'm going to go and get some water." I announced. I heard a few mumbles from the living room, and walked into the kitchen. Harry always kept the glasses in a much higher cabinet, which was always a challenge for me. Obviously it was never a challenge for him, the man was like six feet tall.

I groaned and stood on my tippy toes, trying to reach for the cabinet. I got close a few times, but never managed to succeed. I sighed, realizing I was a short and hopeless girl.

I scoffed, trying to get as high as I could. I heard a deep voice, "Need some help with that?"

I turned to look at him and hugged. I groaned, "You had to place them this high?"

"Gosh, you're short." Harry chuckled. "Go on, keep going. I enjoy watching you try."

I shook my head, ignoring his remark. I groaned for the second time, getting on my tiptoes and reaching as high as I could. I reached my arms out and tried to touch the handle, but yet again, I did not succeed.

I was caught off guard when I felt two strong and muscular arms wrap around my waist tightly and lift me up.

I felt myself get higher and higher, and the grip around me get tighter and tighter until I was facing my enemy, the cabinet.

"Got what you need yet?" I heard Harry's voice from below. I looked down and he was standing there with a smirk on his lips.

I took my time and opened the cabinet, deciding on which glass to take out. I was still in Harry's arms, and liked it a lot. Harry had filled this cabinet with such fancy and expensive glasses. All I was looking for was like an orange plastic cup. I shrugged, taking one and saying, "Yep, I got it."

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