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Today was the day, I was finally eighteen.

I sat on my bed, thinking about how I was a year older than I was before today. Usually when you're a certain age and turn older, it's not much of a big deal. Since I was seventeen before and now I'm eighteen, it's kind of a big deal.

I'm officially legal.

Go me.

I've never really been into birthdays that much. As a child, my birthday was always like the best day ever. Now, it doesn't really matter that much to me. I like to celebrate it with people close to me, I don't really care about throwing a party.

I received a message on my phone.

Harry: Happy birthday, baby.

Me: You remembered? Aw.

Harry: I only found out yesterday. So yes, I did remember.

Harry: I cannot wait until you come over later. I completely forgot that your birthday was coming up so we'll give you your presents a little later if that's okay.

Me: It's no problem.

Harry: So the big. 1-8! How does it feel to be legal?

Me: Not that different.

Harry: You are officially legal. That means that if we were together, it would be okay.

Me: What are you implying? Are you asking me out, Harry Styles?

Harry: No.

Me: Ok then.

Harry: I know you're coming over later today to celebrate your birthday but I was thinking that later tonight, maybe you and I could go on a birthday date?

Harry: What do you say?

Me: No.

Me: Kidding. So, just the two of us? Tonight? A date?

Me: Hm, sounds romantic. How am I gonna get out of here?

Harry: Just think of something.

Me: Thanks, Harry. You're really helping with the situation right now.

Me: Maybe tonight you'll tell me what you've been trying to tell me for a long time.

Harry: What?

Me: "I.. I... I.. I'm getting a new dryer."

Me: Oh please, Harry.

Harry: You're mean.

Me: And you're a coward. What could possibly be so hard to tell me?

Me: Are you gay?

Harry: Yes Grace, I'm gay. That's what I've been trying to tell you this whole time.

Me: It all makes sense now.

Harry: What?! You think I'm gay? No I'm not gay.

Me: I know.

Me: Just tell me tonight, Harry. It could be like my birthday present.

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