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It was pretty early in the morning. Grace was still upstairs meanwhile I was handing an issue with Bella and Joey. I noticed that they had been acting suspicious lately, and I wanted to get to the bottom of it. I walked around the two in circles, ''Well Joey, you've been acting extra generous to Bella lately."

Joey looked at me, ''Your point is?''

I raised a brow, "You used to always fight about sharing toys with Bella. So, how come you are being extremely generous now?".

Bella said, ''Nothing's going on, Daddy! Everything's normal!''

"I don't buy it." I shook my head, "If something happened, just tell me. Joey, why are you being extra generous to your sister? Just two days ago you didn't let her play with your toys but now all of a sudden you're letting her play with them?"

"Daddy, you're too suspicious,'' Joey said. "Nothing's going on."

"Yeah, right," I hummed, "Come on. Just say it. What did you do?"

"Why do you assume we just did something? Your own children?" Bella let out a dramatic gasp, "How could you, father?"

"What?" I chuckled at her, "Just tell me. I won't be mad.''

"Fine," Joey gave in, "I accidentally spilt paint on your walls in your office. I'm sorry, Daddy! I needed a quiet place to do my homework and Bella is always watching TV!''

I widened my eyes, ''You did what? Joey! What is your room for, huh?''

''Oh,'' He said, ''I forgot 'bout my room.''

I shook my head, ''You know that you're not allowed in there because it has all of Daddy's important things. Please just stay out of it next time.''

Joey nodded, ''I really am sorry, Daddy.''

''You will be cleaning it up, understand? How many times have I told you guys to stay out of my office?"

"I think, eight." Bella said, rubbing her chin.

"More than that." I said, "Daddy had important stuff in there."

Bella asked excitedly, ''Like our Christmas presents?''

I chuckled, ''No, Sweetheart.''

''Just so you know, I love ponies,'' She grinned, ''Pink ones!''

I smiled, ''I'll keep that in mind.''

''Well, good talk!'' Bella started to skip away, ''Now that this problem's fixed, I'm gonna go and watch some TV!—''

''Not so fast,'' I stopped her, ''Get back here, Arabella Marie Styles.''

Bella gasped, ''He used my full name! Daddy, I did nothing wrong!''

I bent down to her height, ''I don't suppose someone found out about what Joey did and said they wouldn't tell Daddy unless they got something in return, huh?''

Bella pressed her lips in a thin line, ''I have no idea what you're talking about.''

Joey said, ''Hey, I came clean!''

I gently pushed some of her hair to the side and told her, ''Bell, you know it's wrong to use something against someone.''

Bella frowned, ''I'm sorry. He never shares, Daddy.''

Joey said, ''She doesn't ask!"

"Um, I was talking." Bella out her hands on her hips and sadder Joey, hugging him. "As I was saying, before I got very rudely interrupted.." she glared at Joey and I laughed. "Joey is always so rude to me, he never shares his toys with me."

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