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One week later.

Today was the day, the day we had all been talking about, the day we had been planning for more than three weeks. My daughter's birthday was today. She was now a year older and officially a six year old. I had been planning this day for weeks. Everything needed to go perfectly. 

''She'll be up soon. I can't wait,'' Erin said, putting a small candle on a cupcake. I smiled. She was so sweet. I munched on more of my cookies, ''She's going to be really excited. It is her big day, after all.''

Grace said, ''I hope she'll like what we arranged for her party. I cannot believe I'm dressing up as a Princess.''

''Technically, you'll just be a girl in a pretty dress wearing a crown, not a Disney princess or anything.'' I told her. Honestly, I could not wait to see Gracie in a dress, ''You'll look great. Don't worry because you already look like a Princess.''

 I have not seen Gracie in a dress yet. All elegant and beautiful. I wonder what she'll look like. Use your imagination, Harry. Woah.

Grace smiled, ''Thanks.''

Joey groaned, ''Is she up yet?''

''She'll be down here soon. Now remember to be very nice to your little sister. I is her birthday, okay?'' I told Joey, ''No mean comments, no jokes, no teasing. Understood?''

''Okay, I'll be nice.'' Joey smiled, ''Nice is my middle name.''

Then, we heard footsteps from upstairs. We all looked at each other and smiled. I hushed everyone. The footsteps got louder and louder, and closer and closer. They were soft and delicate footsteps, moving slowly and then stopping. Bella came into sight, rubbing her eyes, ''Morning, family.''

I chuckled, ''Have you forgotten what today is?''

Bella yawned, ''What today?''

Erin laughed, ''Only the day that you've been talking about forever.''

I pulled her closer and nuzzled my head in her neck, whispering, ''Happy birthday, baby.'' 

''Oh! Today is my birthday!'' Bella exclaimed, instantly remembering. The yawning and laziness faded away, and she jumped up and down, ''I'm six! I'm six! Not five! Six! S-I-X!''

''Happy birthday to you,'' We all sang as Erin placed the small chocolate cupcake with the candle in front of Bella. Bella really enjoyed listening to everyone sing to her. She blew out the small candle and clapped her hands together. 

I took a piece of the cupcake in my hand and fed it to her. ''A cupcake for my cupcake.''

She wrapped her arms around me, '''Thank you, Daddy.'' 

''Happy birthday,Ssweetie.'' Erin wished her, kissing her hair. Bella gave her a thumbs up as a thank you and had chocolate all over her face. Erin wiped some off it off, ''There we go. You've got some on your face.''

''Happy birthday, Sis.'' Joey wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. I smiled. Wow, I cannot believe I made those two. He grinned, ''How does it feel being six?''

''It feels super,'' Bella smiled, ''I think I got taller! Daddy, can you check?''

I chuckled, ''Later, alright?''

''And finally, happy birthday from me.'' Gracie smiled down at her and hugged Bella, ''Today is all about you.''

''So many birthday wishes!'' Bella smiled, ''I can't wait for all the presents! I also can't wait to see where my birthday is! There's gonna be a unicorn, right?''

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