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hello, just before we get into the chapter:

does anyone have any predictions of what might happen next? maybe with erin, dylan, harry or grace? what do you think will happen?

also, how do you feel about what happened to erin? did you see it coming? are you kinda glad? are you upset? just wondering ;)

do you think that since erin has gotten in accident, the chances of grace and harry ending up together are higher or not?

by the way, were the last few chapters of the book kinda boring? i don't know why, but i felt like you guys didn't like them as much as the others. idk, i guess i just didn't get as much comments as before. please tell me if they get boring, i really wanna improve.

anyways, thank you for reading. much love :)

Chapter 80:




We had been waiting outside for a while now, maybe around an hour? I just needed my mother to wake up. I wanted to see her, I wanted to see for myself that she was going to be okay, I just wanted to speak to her.

"How much longer do we have to wait?" Dad asked, groaning. He leaned back on the chair with his arms folded across his chest in frustration.

"Until the doctor tells us we can go," I muttered, squeezing my own hands as I started to tense up.

"I can't believe something like this would've happened to her," Harry mumbled as he shook his head and rubbed his face.

"Honestly, where were you at the time?" Dad asked Harry, facing him completely, his tone quite harsh.

"Like I said, I was picking up my children from school and she was at work. She called me saying that she had to go to a meeting and asked if I could pick Grace up. She was all by herself." Harry explained, holding his hands together.

"I can't believe she got hurt like this,"
Dad shook his head. The expressions on his face showed worry, concern but not as much panic as before.

Then, the same doctor from before came into the waiting room. She searched the room for a bit as if she was looking for someone. Once she spotted us, a friendly smile spread across her face. She walked closer to us and asked, "You are still here? Wonderful. Erin has just woken up."

I exhaled a deep and long sigh of relief as I held onto my stomach. Harry, who was standing behind me, had the exact same reaction. As did my dad. Those words made me feel so much better. She was awake, my mother was awake.

"Are you all seeing her?" Dr. Smith asked, her eyes traveling between every single of us. She continued, "That's okay. I know that you are all family. However, I do recommend only a few people going on at once."

Harry nodded his head and turned around to face us. His eyes were asking if I wanted to go first, and I desperately nodded my head. He then looked over at Dad, who said that he could sit here and wait.

"You and Harry can go first." Dad insisted on us going first. He took a seat and gave us a weak smile, "I'll be here with the kids and speak to her after you guys do."

Harry nodded his head. I gulped as soon as his eyes met mine. He was communicating with me all through his eyes, and they were telling me that I should take a deep breath and that he was going to stand by me no matter what.

Dr. Smith politely nodded her head. She asked, "You two first? Alright, follow me please."

We slowly followed her, and I felt myself grow more and more nervous. What if what I'm about to see is worse than I've imagined in my head? What if my mother is really not as okay as I think she is?

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