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a/n: whoopsies, i did not proof-read this. I apologize for any silly mistakes. enjoy!

I walked into the kitchen, as I usually do in the mornings. I didn't see anyone around and picked out a fresh ripe apple from the fruit basket. I washed the apple and started to eat it. Right after, I walked into the living room. What I saw over there was not the most pleasant sight. I saw Harry sitting down, head in his hands, looking upset. I walked closer to him and asked, ''Harry? Are you okay?"

Harry's jade green eyes pierced into mine. His hair was messy, his eyes were watery and it seemed like his nose was red. I had a feeling he might have had a cold of some sort. He looked up at me and rasped, ''Morning, Grace. Yes, I am fine."

''No. You're not.'' I whispered, taking a seat next to him. Concern was written all over my face and I asked him, ''What happened?''

"Really, Grace. I am completely fine. Just tired.'' Harry spoke. I could tell that he was lying. I've known Harry long enough to tell when he's lying or not, "Perfectly fine."

''Harry, please talk to me," I whispered, "God knows how long you've been sitting here in this state. I'm here to listen. You know you can talk to me, right?"

''Look. Honestly, I'm fine. Something's just on my mind, and it's bothering me," He answered truthfully. His voice was trembling and shaking, he seemed to be hesitant with his words, "You don't need to worry about me."

''Whatever it is, talk to me about it," I tried to reassure him that I would be there and listen. I placed my dainty hand on top of his for his comfort, "If you don't want to, it's okay, but I just hope—"

Harry muttered, "It's Samantha."

My stomach dropped at the mention of her name. I asked, "What about her?"

"Ever since she came back," Harry said, "I can't stop thinking about all of this and what's going to happen if she chooses to return for good. She called me earlier today."

I took a deep breath, trying to process everything. Growing nervous, I asked, ''What did she say, Harry?''

"Ever since your encounter with her that night, she's been angry," Harry began, "She spoke to me a few minutes ago while you were upstairs. She told me how she was ready to be a mother again and that I should give her a chance. She told me that she deserved to see her children. We continued to speak and she started to bring you and your mother up."

I bit my lip, "Oh, no. What did she say?"

"She started to get jealous. Really jealous," Harry muttered, "She went on and off about how you and your mother are the reason her and I can't be a family with the kids anymore. She said that I made a huge mistake getting married. I tried to calm her down but then she talked about you. Just you. She spoke with such hatred and angrier in her voice about how you had no right to tell her to leave and all that. I'm assuming this was from your previous conversation with her."

I sighed, "Oh, man."

"She kept on telling me that you needed to mind your own business," Harry shook his head as he explained, "She told me that you had no right whatsoever to speak for me and all that. She seemed more annoyed by you than your mother. She said that she didn't like the way you were speaking to her. Then, she said that she was going to make sure to her you and your mother out of the picture so that we can be a family again."

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