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I walked along the path with Harry, "I love it here." 

 Harry rasped out, making eye contact with me, "Do you know what time it is?"

"It's,'' I looked down at my watch and spoke, "It's nine.''

"Woah, already? Well, I'm not going home anytime soon." Harry smirked, looking at me. "Are you cold, love?"

"Not really," I replied, my heart melting at the fact that he called me love. It was quite cold out here, but I wasn't freezing, ''Thanks for asking, though. Thanks for caring, I guess.''

Harry shrugged, ''Not caring.''

I said, ''Whatever.''

"You can wear this you know," he offered, taking off his blazer, ''Here.''

I raised a brow, ''What happened to not caring?''

Harry said, ''I'm a nice guy.''

"Harry I'm fine." I chuckled, "If I wear that, you'll be cold."

"No, I won't. Don't worry about it. Here, wear it." Harry said, moving my arms into the blazer. I instantly felt warm and his soft scent was all around me, ''There we go. Fits perfectly.''

"Thank you. You didn't have to." I thanked Harry. "You're honestly the kindest guy I have ever met."

"Really?" Harry asked, his eyes sparkling in the moonlight. "Thanks, I guess. You know, ever since you came into my life, things have been so different. It's weird.''

"Really?" I asked, looking up at him, "Well, things have been different for me too. Yeah, kind of.''

Harry chuckled. "That's deep, Gracie.''

"Why do you always call me that?" I pondered. "Not that I mind. I've just been meaning to ask."

"I don't know. When I give people nicknames, they usually mean a lot to me. It gives the name more meaning and makes it more personal,'' Harry said. "I've always liked the sound of Gracie. It's cute."

"Can I give you a nickname?" I asked him shyly. ''I know Bunny Foo Foo is taken, but I'd love to call you that.''

Harry didn't even crack a smile, ''No.''

I shrugged, ''That guy, Steve, was calling you Harold.''

''Yeah, that name was given to me by a lot of people. My Mum, sister, Steve,'' He said, ''Think of something more original. Pick a sensible one please."

"There's not much you can come up with with the name Harry," I giggled to myself, "Bunny Foo Foo is the only good one.''

"Never,'' Harry huffed. "I hate that. Keep thinking. I'm still surprised that more people don't call you Gracie."

"Well, Grace sort of is a nickname for my full name which is Gracelyn." I said, ''Yeah.''

"That's a pretty name," Harry said, giving me a crooked smile, ''I like it.''

I said, ''I'm calling you Bunny Foo Foo, okay?''

Harry glared, ''No, Grace.''

''Heyyy, Bunny Foo Foo,'' I chuckled, feeling like I had made a discovery that changed the world, ''BFF!''

Harry grumbled, ''Fine, call me that. Only if you use it when it's just us.''

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