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IMPORTANT: Hola! From this chapter onwards, I stopped editing the new version of this book. I changed the plot, which can be seen in the chapters before. The plot is now the old, original one and will be changed soon. Feel free to keep reading but it's very confusing and I don't like it very much. Haha.

"Gracie! Gracie!''

That was the first thing I heard. The sounds of little children screaming in my ear. They were on my bed. I felt them jumping around. The next thing I heard was small giggles and laughter. Finally, I rubbed my eyes and managed to open them. The first person I saw was Bella laying on my bed and next to her was Joey. Furrowing my eyebrows, I wondered what was going on.

They sang enthusiastically, "It's time to get up!"

Obviously, I was too tired to figure out what was going on. After I while, I realized that it was early in the morning. A yawn escaped my lips and I groaned, "You guys, what time is it?"

Joey excalimed. ''It's time to go to school!''

I gasped. "Oh my God! It really is time to go to school!"

Bella nodded. "Well, duhh! That's what we just told you."

I playfully shooed them out. "Alright, guys. Out of my room, please."

After politely telling them to exit my room, they obediently nodded and followed my instruction. Once they were out, I got up and began to panic. My hair was a mess, it always is after I wake up from a deep sleep. Of course, I was still in my pajamas. Immediately, I grabbed my phone and checked the time. I really was late.

I started to rush. I ran straight into my bathroom. As soon as I saw my reflection, I gasped. How on Earth was I supposed to make myself look presentable for my first day of school when I only have a few minutes? The first thing I did was grab my toothbrush and brushed my teeth. Next, I washed my face quickly.

I continued to get myself ready, applied some light makeup, and put my hair in a small bun. Next thing I did was pull out a casual outfit. If I hadn't woken up so late, perhaps I would have time to choose a proper outfit.

I thought I looked decent enough to go downstairs, so that's exactly what I did. I made my way down the carpeted staircase and was welcomed to a sight of a tiny family eating breakfast.

The first person to notice me come down was Harry. He was talking to Mum, but turned around as soon as I came downstairs. His eyes travelled up and down my body, and for some reason, I didn't mind.

Mum noticed Harry wasn't paying attention, so she turned around.

I cleared my throat. ''Bella and Joey woke me up. I guess I just forgot I had school today. Sorry."

Harry smiled. It was a genuine smile, and he looked so pretty while smiling like that. For once it wasn't a smirk, or anything else. His eyes crinkled. "Forgot you had school?''

''I can't believe you forgot, Grace.'' Mum shook her head. ''Anyways, you still have some time left. You planning on eating breakfast, or you just want to go? Hurry up so that I can drop you off.''

I told her. ''I'm not going to eat anything."

''Alright, let's go—"

''Wait, Erin.'' Harry cut my mother off. ''Don't you think it would be a better idea if I dropped her off?''

And from that moment, I had know idea what was going to happen. Last time we were in a car together, things didn't exactly go as planned. Although, I sort of liked the idea of him dropping me off.

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