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Dear everyone, :) ^

"Everyone, out of my house!" Harry's deep and loud voice filled the room, startling every single person, including myself.

Niall and I looked at each other. And in that moment, I knew that I was screwed.

The music turned off, everyone stopped dancing and stared blankly at Harry.

"I'll ask you all once again. Everyone, that is not my child, get the hell out of my house!" Harry yelled, his voice loud and clear.

"Hey, who're you?" A girl shouted from the crowd.

"I'm mad, that's what I am. You all need to get out of my house right now." Harry said sternly, causing a few gasps to travel around the crowd.

"Nice to meet you, Mad. I'm Tessa!" The girl yelled from within the large group of people. "So, you single?"

"Out! Now!" Harry shouted. Everyone was getting on his last nerve. He pointed directly towards the door strictly, started to roll up his sleeves.

A few mumbles, grumbles, moans and groans were heard within the entire crowd. Every single person had an either an irritated or frightened expression plastered onto their face.

The crowd started moving along to the exit, and I hid myself in the crowd, trying to blend in as I started to walk with them.

"Not you." I heard that all-too-familiar voice say, as I felt him pull me by my shirt, making me freeze on the spot.

I looked up and saw Harry's tall body hovering over mine. His eyes went from green to grey as they stared directly into mine, his jaw was clenched tightly, his nostrils were flaring, his sleeves were rolled up, and his lower lip was tucked between his teeth.

I gulped, and bit my lip as he stared right down at me. Harry looked mad, he looked extremely mad. I took a few steps backwards, and looked down.

The door finally shut, meaning that everyone, or almost everyone had left. Niall was still standing next to me, gazing down at the floor.

"This party is - " Bella started off by cheering with both a bowl of crisps and a bowl of popcorn in her hands as she danced around. She froze in her tracks when she saw her father in the room, dropping all the food that she was carrying, looking like she had seen a ghost, "Ahhh!"

"Hey, I made a few new friends by the pool - " Joey ran into the room happily, with two tall muscular guys attached on either side of him. His face fell when he, also, saw his father standing with his arms crossed over his chest. "Oh boy! This is not good!"

Harry's eyes widened, and his jaw dropped. He stared directly at both of his children, his eyes traveling between each of them before he stared at me. He snapped at the two guys by Joey's side, "Get out of my house, you idiots!"

The two guys panicked and left after high-fixing Joey. They zoomed out of the room. Harry moved and yelled from the bottom of the staircase, "If anyone's up there, you better get down here and leave right now before I call your parents!"

A bunch of people came rushing down probably faster than the speed of light. They ran so fast that they pushed past every single person and trampled on one another. A few of them even fell but eventually got back up and ran out the door.

"Somebody better tell me what the hell is going on!" Harry shouted. He took the popcorn and crisps from Bella and said, "Oh God, what the hell are you two doing up this late?!"

"Partying hard." Bella murmured.

"Oh my God, you got them involved?!" Harry turned his gaze towards me, glaring at me. He said through gritted teeth, "Grace, you better have a good explanation for this."

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