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Maybe I shouldn't be so upset about Gracie leaving. Perhaps I'm overreacting. At least she still lives in the same town, I could go down there and see her anytime.

It would be risky for sure, but it would be a risk worth taking. I know that if I get caught with Erin once more, things will definitely not be looking good for us. So I've got be extra careful.

A thought came into my mind. What if Erin found out I was in love with Gracie?

I would never hurt Gracie or molest her at all. It hurts to think that Erin believes that. Even though I denied it, I wonder what she would say if I told her I was in love with her daughter. To me, that sounds normal and believable. But I can only imagine how Erin would react.

Right now, I was laying all alone in my bed. It felt like the past was repeating itself. Me, the kids, no one else. Before I got married, I slept here all by myself all the time. Although sometimes Bella and Joey would sleep with me.

The craziest thing is that before all of this madness, I was in love with Erin.

A single question popped up into my head. Was I in love with Erin? Then, another question. Or did I just think I was? Soon, I had plenty of questions. Did I fall out of love with Erin? Was I ever in love with her? Do I still love her?

No, I don't believe in falling out of love. That's what I told Gracie myself the other day. In my opinion, you can only truly love person and if you 'fall out of love' with them, then you never really loved them. Therefore, you can only love once.

That's just how I feel about certain things. Other people have their opinions, I respect them. But that takes me back to my original thought on loving Erin. If I clearly have feelings for Gracie, maybe I only thought I liked Erin.

I am not going to lie though, I definitely felt something with Erin.

At this point, my whole life is confusing as hell.

I still remember the day I met Erin.


It was a spectacular night, the moon was shining, and I was having a drink.

Lonely. I was so damn lonely. I had children, but they weren't really the people I could go to talk about my problems. I love them to death, but I still feel lonely.

I took another sip of my drink, and took a deep breath. It was a rough day today. I saw someone from the corner of my eye that got my attention.

I turned around. She was sitting all by herself and reading a book. I watched her eyes travel around the page carefully as her finger followed each word.

For some reason, I was amused by this sight. I cleared my throats and rasped, "What have you got there?"

The unknown girl looked up confusedly, wondering if I was referring to her. She took one look at me and her eyes widened. She mumbled, "A book."

"Like to read, hm?" I asked her, moving slightly closer to her.

"I suppose so," She shrugged, closing her book and putting it aside. "Who are you?"

"I'm Harry. It's nice to meet you," I introduced myself to her, reaching my hand out.

She glanced at my hand and hesitantly shook it. Tucking a piece of hair behind her ear she introduced herself to me, "I'm Erin."

"Erin? Nice," I mused. A crooked smile made it's way into my face. "Pretty girl, pretty name."

Erin blushed, smiling smugly. She asked me, "So, what're you doing here? You look like the kind of guy who goes out a lot. You know, to parties and stuff. Why're you at a quiet restaurant like this?"

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