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I tried to make myself as calm as possible. Get yourself together, Harry. Your kids are right here and no matter how you feel, stay calm.

The footsteps of the two coming downstairs got louder and seemed to be getting closer. For some reason, I felt myself getting nervous.

How am I supposed to look at Gracie and not cry?

"Morning, Erin! Morning, Grace!" Joey exclaimed happily the second they stepped foot in the room.

"Good morning, kids." Erin greeted them. She didn't look at me but instead checked to see if she had everything she needed.

I couldn't help but look at Grace who was standing behind her. She looked ever so beautiful, as always, nothing new there. Her hair was in a bun, it seemed as if she didn't put much effort into her looks today. Regardless, she was stunning. She was standing anxiously behind her mother, eyes facing the ground, carrying a bag, biting her lip, and her fingers were almost shaking.

Our eyes locked in a small stare for a brief second. Immediately, I broke our gaze.

I know it would only hurt more. I couldn't look her in the eye.

"Why are you leaving us?" Bella blurted, her tone soft and innocent. Her light eyes sparkled in the light, they had a hint of sadness in them.

My poor girl, she's not okay with this and I know it's going to be hard for her to get used to.

"You told them?" Erin asked me. I shrugged, and nodded.

"You don't like us?" Bella asked, her voice soft.

"No, no. Sweetheart, we love you both." Erin walked closer to them and kissed both Joey and Bella's heads. She reassured them, "Don't worry, guys. It's only for a while. You can even talk to us over the phone, alright?"

"It's not the same," Bella mumbled sadly. I watched my daughter rest her head on the table.

"I hope you have fun." Joey, on the other hand, seemed to be handling things pretty well. He tapped Bella's back and helped her sit up, saying, "Hey, Bella. It's okay. They'll be back soon, cheer up. You still have me and daddy."

"Okay," Bella sighed. I was proud of Joey and gave him a thumbs up for cheering his little sister up. "Are you leaving now?"

"Yes, darling. We're leaving now." Erin rubbed Bella's shoulders.

"Can't you stay for a little while longer?" Bella asked.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. But we have to leave now." Erin said, taking her things in her hands.

As Erin was talking to my children, I took this as an opportunity to sneak a few glances over at Gracie.

Erin was busy in her conversation with both Bella and Joey. I mouthed a, 'I'll miss you,' to Gracie.

Hopefully, Gracie and I can stay in touch. She has my number, I have hers. I know I'll miss her far too much, I have to have some way of communicating with her while she's gone.

Gracie offered me a weak smile and shifted in her spot. Her eyes were starting to get watery. No, baby. Don't cry, don't do that.

She exhaled a deep breath and quickly wiped away a small tear before anyone saw. I nodded my head at her encouragingly, and mouthed, 'It's okay.'

Gracie nodded and stood still, fixing herself up a little bit. She mouthed, 'I'll miss you too.'

I tried to lighten up the mood and gave her a Call me signal using my thumb and pinky finger, winking at her, also wiggling my eyebrows.

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