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''And she clicked her magic slippers together and said, there's no place like home, there's no place like home,'' I repeated, flipping to the next page of The Wizard of Oz. I yawned, starting to feel a little woozy. I had put Joey to sleep earlier but Bella was interested in reading a second story. ''And then, she was taken home with a simple click of the slippers. The end.'' I shut the book, rocking back and forth on the chair.

''Daddy?'' Bella asked quietly. I hummed, rubbing my eyes as I swayed us both in the chair. She pondered, ''How can slippers take someone home? That's impossible! I mean, they're slippers!''

''Well, Sweetie, um..'' I began, trying to think of an explanation. Sitting in this rocking chair made me really tired. I decided to think of something to answer her, ''They were magic slippers, alright? Let's go to bed now, baby?-''

''But Daddy, why did she need those slippers to get home? Why couldn't the good witch have sent her home? Or the munchkins?'' Bella asked, her mind obviously very busy right now. ''How did a pair of red shiny slippers get her home?''

''Um, well,'' I yawned. ''Sweetheart, Dorothy believed that the slippers could take her home and so they did. She believed and believed, and it happened. If you really believe in something, you can make it happen. I think that's enough for tonight, let's sleep now, baby?''

''In a second, Daddy.'' Bella suggested, getting comfortable on my lap. She asked, ''So you mean that if you believe you can do something, it can happen?''

''Mhm, that is true.'' I answered lazily, wrapping my arm around her securely and pulling her into my chest. I was ready to fall asleep in this rocking chair. Every time I tell the kids a story, I usually always sleep here with them.

''Why was she so desperate to go home anyway?'' Bella questioned.

''Well, honey, it was obviously because it was.. I mean, it was her home. It was where her family was, her Aunt and Uncle.'' I tried to explain. ''You would want to come home if a tornado flew you away, now wouldn't you?''

''Yes, but what's so special about home? She could've just lived there. I mean, it seemed like a great place. Emerald city and that yellow brick road! That wizard could have given her everything!'' Bella exclaimed.

''Bella, baby. It's not about how big something is or how nice it looks. Dorothy's home may not have been the best place but it's not the house that makes it home. It's the feeling that she gets when she's there. She loves it, she loves being with her family. You understand that, right?'' I asked. ''You can't just give so much up.''

'Sometimes home isn't four walls, it's two eyes and a heartbeat.'

To me, home is not a place. Home is a feeling. Dorothy was right, there is no place like home. My home has sparkling eyes, beautiful hair, a warm smile and a tender heart.

''So.. If I feel happy anywhere or with someone.. That place can become home, you mean?''

''You are a very wise girl, Bella.'' I smiled, pulling her closer to me. I slowly started to close my eyes, and I rubbed my hand up and down her back for her comfort and safety. ''Gooodnight, babykins. We don't want to wake Joey up now do we?

''So, Daddy..'' Bella began, clearly in no mood to sleep anytime soon. ''You say you feel at home when you feel some kind of way.. does that mean that you can feel at home with one person if that person makes you very happy?''

''Absolutely, my darling.'' I answered softly, stroking her hair sleepily. Half of me was starting to fall alseep, yet I kept my eyes wide open for her sake.

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