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I didn't proof read this, I apologize if there are any errors.

"It's not the best meal ever, but it's okay." Harry commented on my food and gave his personal opinion - that was not needed - on it.

"I get it," I said.

"How was your day, Erin? Who were you seeing?" Harry asked, completely ignoring me and sparking up a conversation with my Mum.

"Oh-" Mum said. "It was okay. I was just catching up with an old friend of mine. We had some coffee and it was nice."

"What was her name?" Harry asked, eating more of my food.

"Her name was Delilah," Mum answered. "Anyways, enough about my day. How was your day? Were the kids okay?"

"We were fine. We spent a lot of time with Mummy and she drew with us," Joey replied excitedly.

"That's lovely," Mum smiled at them.

"You know what would have made this sauce better? A bit more flavor." Harry said out of the blue, tasting my sauce with an amused expression.

I tried so hard not to yell at him. I had to control myself. I took a deep breath and said, "Well, I'm sorry that you don't like it."

"Harry, let it go." Mum said, shaking her head and eating some of the food herself. She told the kids, "You should eat up quickly. Alright, guys? You have school tomorrow and you've got to be up in your room by eight."

"Okay," Joey nodded his head obediently.

Harry tasted more of my sauce and scrunched his nose, saying, "Still dry."

"If you don't like it, then why the hell so you keep stuffing it in your mouth?" Mum asked Harry, raising her voice. She told him, "Come on, Harry. Behave yourself. Stop acting so childish. If you don't like it, that's fine. But do you have to keep tasting it just to say it's awful?"

"It's constructive criticism." Harry stated firmly. "I tell her what she did wrong, and she can learn from her mistakes."

"You know, since we're giving constructive criticism," I began, dropping my fork down onto the plate. "You're not the best cook either. Your pancakes are always dry and look burnt, every time you cook pasta, it's always cold and hard. Most of the food goes to Lacey anyway. Once I even saw Mum feeding it to her."

"What?" Harry looked at my Mum.

"That's not true." Mum denied very quickly, shaking her head.

"I don't even think Lacey likes your food." I commented.

"Hey, I'm sure she loves it." Harry defended himself. He corrected, saying, "-Not that she eats most of it. But if she did, she would enjoy it."

"Forget this," Joey referred to the meal he was already eating as he pushed his entire plate to the side. He said, "Get me some popcorn to eat because I'm lovin' the drama."

"I'll go and get it-" Bella pushed her food aside.

"I didn't actually mean to go and get popcorn. I meant, like, we sit back and enjoy this fight." Joey told his sister, resting his back against the chair.

"You know, Grace." Harry started. "You don't have to be so rude all the time."

"I was giving constructive criticism." I said, crossing my arms over my chest and repeating his words on purpose.

"Alright, enough! All of you, enough!" Mum stopped our arguing. She lectured the both of us, "Bella and Joey are more well mannered that the both of you. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You are acting like children! Two kids know how to behave better than you do!"

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