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"Harry, that is so sweet of you to say." I replied softly, and I couldn't help but blush at his words. I never imagined Harry saying something like this when we first met, and now here we are.

"I am serious. I don't know, you're like.. so, amazing." Harry told me, fumbling on a few of his words, not being able to figure out what to exactly say. He continued, "I can't believe you're in love with me either."

"Why do you say it like that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and lifting his arm over me.

"Because you're this amazing girl who is so beautiful, really beautiful, and," Harry said, staring right into my eyes. "And I don't know how you could ever fall in love with someone like me. You're so great and I am so, not."

"Are you kidding me, Harry? I had a crush on you the first time we met at that one dinner when my Mum introduced us to each other." I confessed to him. "How can you say you're not great? Because you most definitely are."

"I am nothing compared to you. I know I have good looks and everything, but I don't deserve you." Harry said softly, wrapping his arm around me much tighter than before.

"I'm the one that doesn't deserve you," I told him.

"Shit, what's happening to us?" Harry cursed. He said, "We were supposed to only keep this physical and now look at us. We've fallen for each other. This wasn't supposed to happen. We've gotten ourselves in one big mess."

"I know," I murmured, feeling his chest. Since his shirt was already unbuttoned so much, I traced a few of his tattoos that were visible. I mumbled, "What are we going to do? First my Mum, and now my Dad."

"We - "

"Why did I even ask you?" I chuckled, cutting him off and knowing that his idea was going to be, once again, very impossible.

"Hey, let me talk." Harry frowned. He said, "We should run away."

"Nope. Absolutely not." I said sternly, dismissing his thoughts immediately. I thought he was joking at first but when I saw how serious he looked, I asked, "Wait, seriously? You're not kidding?"

"I never joke about my ideas. I'm serious about all of them." Harry mumbled.

"Harry, we are not running away. We could run away if you didn't have two kids or if my Mum wasn't in the hospital. But you have two kids, and my Mum is in the hospital." I told him. "We can't just ditch everything and leave."

"Did you think I meant leaving my kids here? What kind of father do you think I am?" Harry asked as he scoffed.

"Well, you accidentally locked your kids in your own car, you ended up teaching them swear words, you were dumb enough to not notice them entering your car," I listened. I clicked my tongue as I said, "So-"

"Oh, shut up." Harry mumbled.

"Oh what? So you meant taking the kids with us? Harry, your children cannot know about us. Do you know weird that would be for them?" I asked him. "If it was just my Mum and Dad maybe we could figure something out, but with Bella and Joey.."

"I have an idea."


"I haven't even said my idea yet."

"I know it's going to be just as stupid as your other ideas. If not, then more stupid."

"How do you know it's stupid if you haven't even heard it yet?"

"Because it is your idea."

"That wasn't very nice."

"Well, I'm not a very nice person."

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