Chapter 5

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Never Again: Chapter 5

Iris's POV

I walked away after yelling at Zayn, I know I made him angry so I hid in one of Rose's many closets, until I heard music blasting and people talking.

I walked downstairs and immediately got looks, I looked around and realised that most of the guys there were looking at me like I was a piece of meat. I hated when people looked at me, I liked being invisible, I huffed and walked over to where the drinks were. Maybe if I drank it would make me less of a buzz kill. I mean maybe I can make more friends if I do the things the "popular" kids do. I know this isn't right but I need to have fun for at least one night.

I grabbed a cup of some sort of alcohol and walked over to where Rose and Niall's gang were. They were laughing about something

And Niall was blushing.

"Hey Iris," Rose said making the other 4 pairs of eyes land on me.

"Hi," I said not really knowing why I was over here.

"Your drinking?!" She asked shocked, but before I had time to answer Louis answered fist.

"It is a party, Rose, of course she is going to drink." Louis teased.

I nodded in agreement, I looked around and saw Zayn watching me intently. "Why are you staring at me," I asked uncomfortably. I liked Zayn a lot actually, but he was bad and I had to make sure I stayed away from him.

"What's wrong with me looking at you," he asked defensively.

"What's wrong is that your only looking at me because I'm dressed like a slut, but guess what?! I'm not and your not getting in my pants just because your a man whore and want too!" I snapped and stormed away once again.

I heard the other boys laughing, but I wasn't happy about what I said, because like I said before I like Zayn, I had a crush on him since the day I first met him, and today was the only day he ever paid attention to me, and that's because I was dressed like a slut.


"TRUTH OR DARE," someone screamed, by this time i had already had 3 cups of the unknown alcoholic beverage and I couldn't think clearly. My vision was becoming blurry. I stumbled over to where everyone was gathered. I sat down and found my self by Rose and on the other side of me was Zayn. Great.

"Are you okay," Rose asked worried.

"Of coursssse," I slurred my words and then giggled. I liked Rose as a friend I really did, even if she was friends with the rebels.

"You," a girl across the room pointed at Louis. "Truth or Dare?" She asked smirking... I think her name was Jessica and is in my Math class.

"Dare," Louis said smirking.

"I dare you to kiss me," she smirked. Louis just rolled his eyes and got up and kissed her.

"Alissa, truth or dare," Louis asked one of the goths.

"I pick truth," she said twirling her hair. I do believe she is a slut , but whatever.

"Do you ever picture banging Zayn," Louis asked and her face went white.

"Yes I do," she squeaked and the room went crazy with laughter.

"Okay okay, YOU," she pointed at me.

"Her name is Iris," Rose said looking a little panicked, maybe she knew the goth.

"Truth or dare," Alissa asked me.

"Umm.. Darrre," I said not fully aware of what was happening around me.

"I dare you, Iris, to go upstairs with Issac and let him do what ever he wants to you," she said pointing to one of the cocky jocks.

"That is a really bad idea," Rose defended.

"It is a dare she has to do it," Alissa snapped. Well I don't think I like this goth very much. Rose had panic written across her face, but I was rudely interrupted with my people watching by the jock named Isaac.

"Let's go babe," he said pulling me up. I was going to say something but a low growl startled me, and it came from a very pissed off looking Zayn.

How the hell did I get upstairs, I don't really remember Isaac pulling me up the stairs, but the next thing I knew Isaac was kissing my neck and pushing me down on Rose's bed. I tried to push him off, but he was too drunk to realise it.

"Get off" I whimpered, trying to push him off of me. He wasn't paying any attention, but tears were streaming down my face by now. He let his hands go up my dress and I went to scream but Isaac put his hand over my mouth, luckily he hasn't kissed me yet, that would be a sucky first kiss.

Suddenly the door opened and Isaac was being pulled off and punched in the face. I couldn't tell who it was because I was hyperventilating and my tears were blinding me. Arms quickly wrapped around me, and I sobbed into them.

"Shhhh it's okay, I'm here," a familiar voice soothed me.

"Did he hurt you," Zayn asked, his british accent thick with anger and .....sadness?

"N-no," I stammered as I buried my face into his neck. His scent was a mix of cigarettes, and leather. it was strangely comforting though.

He held me for a while in his arms until finally I got up and fixed my face, since I had makeup smeared down it.

Then he wrapped a protective arm around me, and we walked down stairs. I got a few dirty looks from girls, and when a guy looked over he would quickly look away, probably terrified of Zayn. He still looked pissed off but smiled a little as we walked over to Rose, Niall, and the rest of his gang.

"IRIS," Liam practically had a heart attack right in front of me when he noticed me in Zayn's arms. He doesn't like Niall or his gang especially zayn, because he sees Zayn as a player. Which is probably true.

"Yess," I tried to keep my voice normal, but it was shaky still from crying.

"We are going home. NOW, " Liam growled looking at Zayn.

"She can stay if she pleases," Zayn growled.

"NO she can't, my friend Rory just told me about the little stunt that was pulled during the truth or dare game," Liam raged.

"Nothing happened Zayn saved me," I defended.

"Yeah of course he did! He wants to get on your good side so he can bang you and them he will leave you like he does to all the girls. Your just another girl to fuck in his eyes," Liam roared.

Suddenly I felt uncomfortably in Zayn's arms. I took his arm off of me an walked over to Liam. Rose, Niall, and the other two walked over, they obviously heard everything.

"Thanks for saving me Zayn." I said and then I turned to Rose who looked some what relieved "Thanks for inviting me, I will return the dress and heels on Monday," I said.

"Thanks for coming, and keep them, I have plenty of party dresses and heels, I will see you on Monday though, BYE," Rose said and I smiled at her and then walked away with Liam.

Liam lectured me the whole car ride home about how Zayn was nothing but trouble, and how I should stay away from him.

I agreed with him just to shut him up and then ran off in the house. I took a shower and threw on a sweatshirt and some shorts. Then I curled up in my bed and let my thoughts go back to Zayn. I knew Zayn was a bad boy and I knew he was nothing but trouble. But I knew no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't stop liking him, and that scared me.

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