Chapter 59

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Never Again: Chapter 60

Rose's POV

I glared at the female hunter, she had stabbed Iris. It hurt me too, since we were bonded. I know it would take longer for Iris to heal because the blade was laced with wolfsbane, it even burned my nostrils. Iris had left, followed quickly by Zayn behind her.

Harry and Louis were behind the couch while my living room floor was scattered with the hunters. All males, other than the female who was staring at Harry. I growled, it was possessive but I wasn't going to let her near him. Regardless of the these hunters obligations there was no way she would mate with one of my boys.

"So how was this all arranged," I asked and stood tall while Niall had his hand protectively at the bottom of my spine.

"Uh, before we explain our reasons here, could someone bandage my leg," the leader of the hunters asked. He groaned again and clutched the area around where Iris had scratched him. I snickered at his pain, then Niall said something that shocked me.

"Rose will heal you," Niall left my side to sit on the couch while I continued to stand there with my arms across my chest.

"You're a healer?" The girl asked an I nodded. All the hunters eyes were on my and I glared at all on them, they looked down immediately.

"I'm not healing him," I said stubbornly and sat on the arm if the couch beside Niall.

"Rose, your eyes," Louis said from beside Harry. Well I could've guessed they were red. But I was going to leave them the way they were so I could scare these pathetic humans.

"They're red," the leader of the hunters said, I should really figure out his name. Calling him 'the leader of the hunters' was getting on my nerves. He looked at me in a way that gave me shivers. His brown eyes staring a hole rights through mine.

"Rose, heal Blake," Niall said the leaders name with authority. He couldn't control me. I don't care if it was the right thing to do, I had no trust whatsoever for this 'Blake'.

"You can't control me," I laughed and Niall glared at me.

"Please, Rose, you know it's the right thing to do," Niall said again and I groaned. Niall must really trust this man for him to ask me to heal him. I groaned because my wolf felt compelled to help Blake despite him being a killer of our kind. My wolf was too nice sometimes and it bothered me.

I knelt down next to Blake, he shifted slightly so I was closer to the wound. Blake was right, it looked gross and infected already. I touched it with the tip of my fingers and he made a sound that sounded like he was in pain. Weak human.

"Get me water," I told whoever was listening and Louis left to get me water. He came back with a large bowl of water and basket of towels and bandages. I had been practicing my healing powers so this shouldn't take long. "Thank you," I told Louis as he set the items by my side.

I concentrated on the water and my hands movements around it. It twirled into a tornado like structure and it lifted from the bowl. I continued to move my hands until they were above Blake's wound. Blake grumbled when the air and water touched his large wound. My hands hovered over Blake's leg and the air and water were soon finished healing him. I pulled the now red water, red from Blake's blood, and wind and put the water in it's original bowl.

I bandaged the now small scratches on Blake's leg, he let out a long sigh and I smiled despite him. I did a good job.

"Thank you," Blake said, a glint I couldn't explain in his eyes.

"You're just lucky she didn't bite you, you would've been dead by now," I said because I knew it was true. These humans wouldn't be able to handle Iris' venom and would be dead in under two minutes. They didn't have the strength like werewolves to try and fight the venom as long as they could.

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