Chapter 60

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Never Again: Chapter 60

Iris's POV

I heard the whole fight and I was ready to go back down stairs and take care of Ronnie my self, but Zayn kept saying no and to just lay with him so I listened. Even though my wolf wanted to defend Rose. After about an hour I went downstairs and everyone was inside eating lunch, Rose was in the corner glaring at Ronnie.

"Eww peasants," I said walking in.

"Stop Iris! No more hateful comments," Niall ordered in his alpha voice. I just started to laugh really hard.

"Why do you try to control me, Niall?" I asked, taking a seat next to a pissed off Ronnie. I wasn't hungry so I didn't bother eating I just decided to sit really close to the stupid human. I was making her angry, and annoyed by the second.

"Niall get this insane wolf away from me," Ronnie roared slamming her fork into the plate.

"Oh yes Niall, please do," I said in a mocking tone. Niall then growled and I could see his eyes go yellow, oops. He stormed over and picked me up harshly causing my still unhealed leg to hit the table, making me yelp. Both Zayn, and Rose growled at Niall.

"She wasn't doing anything!" Rose defended. She obviously enjoyed me taunting Ronnie.

I dug my nails into Niall, he was practically breaking my waist. He dropped me by the door. "GET OUT! YOU CAN COME BACK WHEN YOU CAN ACT RIGHT," Niall bellowed.

"No need to scream I am right in front of you, and besides I am acting right. I wasn't doing anything, your just trying to protect the stupid werewolf hunters!" I snapped.


I just started laughing again and then I patted his shoulder.

"You do realise they are murderers too," I said calmly and then I walked back into the kitchen. Now that was a sight to see, Rose was towering over Ronnie and Ronnie was up in her face. Everyone looked worried. I smiled and leaned against the wall.

Niall walked in and frowned at them, giving a large sigh he walked forward to them.

"Rose leave her alone," Niall commanded, she just growled in response. Ronnie had her hand on her gun.

"Go on I dare you!" Rose spit.

"Fuck off " Ronnie spit back

"How about you leave," Rose growled, her eyes a bright gold. My wolf was taking control, she was fuelling her own hatred off of Rose's. We had never felt her wolf hate anyone this strongly.

"Rose leave her alone," Niall ordered again but he took a step back, was he afraid of Rose?

"Well okay but by the way Niall lost his virginity to me," Ronnie said calmly smirking as she saw how Rose crumpled at what she said. Ronnie hit Rose with the only power she had over her. Niall meant everything to Rose and even if that statement was true or not it made Rose question everything. To wolves, mates are extremely important and getting in between them is suicide. So for Ronnie's sake I hope she is just lying

Suddenly I felt Rose and I's bond, it was becoming stronger and it set an icy fire to my veins. My vision blurred and my wolf took control. Both Rose and I's eyes went red and we turned wolf at the exact same time. We were one and I could feel it.

"Rose be careful, my wolf is in control, watch out for the members of our pack" I yelled in my head, since we were still in wolf form. And she just nodded her head but her eyes were on the prey.

Ronnie pulled her guns out and fled, but we were right there. We were faster than her stupid human form.

"Rose! Iris! Don't!!" Niall screamed but I merely shrugged off his plea.

"BLAKE," Ronnie screamed for her brother, dashing outside and then the rest of our pack and the hunters were following us. I could hear them loading their guns, hopefully they were just tranquillisers.

Ronnie was on the floor in front of us, I could feel my venom dripping down crazily. My wolf really was insane. Oh well!

Suddenly I felt a pain shoot up my back and I whirled around to see Blake, he looked terrified. I let out a blood curdling howl, and Rose joined me. The sky was a mixture of crazy colours, the book wasn't kidding when it said the sky would be night and day.

The once bright sky was split in half one side was stormy black and the other was a blinding light. My wolf stormed over only to be met by an angry Niall, defending his only friend. My wolf wasn't having it, she leaped onto Niall's wolf trying to get to Blake who hit her, and loved Rose. but instead we started a vicious battle, I was clawing trying my hardest not to bite him, and he was clawing and biting me, as he bit my neck and clawed my face. But I pinned Niall down and was about to bite him when I felt a blow to the back of my head, I looked up to see a very apologetic Harry, then fire like pain exploded in my spine. And the weapon was from a very terrified Ronnie. I glanced over to see an unconscious Rose, I whined as the fuel of my anger was dying. My wolf was greatly worried for Rose. Ronnie, was bitten multiple times on her leg, arm, and shoulder. Which made me happy that Rose hurt her. The hunters must have knocked her out too.

My wolf needs to get the hang of team work so that Rose and I last longer instead of getting knocked unconscious by their weapons. I'm just glad they stopped my from killing Niall. My wolf started to crawl towards the unconscious Rose, the sounds and lights were fuzzy, and I felt my head spinning.

Another blow to my hind leg caused me to yelp and jump up, "FUCK SHE NEEDS TO GO DOWN!" Screamed Blake, Niall was human and petting Rose's white fur, watching me with uneasy eyes. I dashed into the woods not able to move fast enough before getting shot in the chest, I howled loudly and ran further away, my wolf was in control of course because if it was just me I would be sleeping, but she wanted to escape danger so she could heal. Then we would come back and seek vengeance.

When we were far enough away not able to be seen or found my wolf collapsed, we weren't gonna wake up for a while, so the best thing to do was to hide and not get found, while we slept.

My vision went in and out, I closed my eyes. I hope Rose would be okay without us because I would be sleeping for a while. The darts were lined with wolfsbane, and it burned my veins, especially around my heart since they shot me right next to it in my chest. I felt Rose and I's bond shutdown, and it would be off until we were both in better condition.

I hope she can manage a day or more with out me.

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