Chapter 36

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Chapter 35: Chapter 36

Rose's POV

The four months Iris has been gone have been nothing but interesting. And by interesting I mean awful. She was my best friend, I could tell her everything. So when she left I was left with leaving my secrets hidden. Even more so now.

I figured out from Niall's werewolf book that I could block my thoughts from being read. That came in handy when Louis was constantly searching for reasons of why I was so distant. But to be honest, I've never been a pack kind of person. I was always a loner.

I eyed Iris sitting in Zayn's lap, completely engulfing him with her tiny arms. She looked so happy, she radiated it really. She was smiling, and beaming with joy. Then for a split second it changed. She looked broken. Then she went back to smiling and hugging Zayn. He looked more than thrilled to have her in his arms. I knew Zayn was having the worst time with Iris away, he would mope and cry and make everyone miserable. But now he was changed and looked happy.

Louis greeted her warmly, as did Harry. Niall on the other hand remained by me on the steps of our porch.

"What are you thinking?" I asked. He looked as if he was contemplating life. His perfect features contracted with confusion as he stared at our pack, plus Aden who had been sitting off to the side rather respectfully.

"She's nothing but trouble and you know that," he said through gritted teeth and I smacked him in the arm.

"No, look at her! She's changed, she wants to be with us. And I don't care if I have to protect her with my own life, she's stays," I spat back as he turned to face me. His eyes looked dark and I could tell he was angry. Not angry like he was always but more dark and sinister. It worried me that he might end up with so much hatred for Iris, that he would up like her. A demon. Even more of monster he was now.

"Listen, Niall, give her a chance," I asked and place a hand against his cheek. I slowly moved my thumb across his lips and he leaned into my touch. He huffed and shook his head.

"It's not a good idea,"

"You don't know that. And besides we need all the help we can get to fight off the Daemons?" I whispered as I brought my head to the crook of his neck. I placed a small kiss on his collarbone and he huffed.

"One fucking chance. And if he blows it, I'll kill her," Niall spat an I let go of him. I took a step back and shook my head in disbelief.

"You wouldn't kill her," I scoffed and he nodded his head.

"I would and I can,"

"You're just saying that," I whimpered an he slowly made his way over to me. He pinned me to the wall beside our front door. Having a tattooed naked boy pressed up against you wasn't the best feeling. "You're hurting me and scaring me now stop," I barely whispered and brought my hands to his chest but he grabbed my wrists to stop me before I could push him off.

Why was he acting like this. I don't understand he's normally so gentle and kind. Now he's harsh and cruel and I don't like it.

"Get off," I said as I mustered the strength and pushed him completely off. "Stay away from me you asshole," the words didn't seem to register in his brain as he continued to follow me down the front steps. "I said leave me the fuck alone Niall, and stop being such a prick,"

"What's going on," Louis said standing up in front of Iris and Zayn. Then followed by Harry.

"Niall's being a fucking asshole," I turned to face Niall. His features not like I remembered them. He looked cold. "Stay the fuck away from me for awhile," I said addressing Niall and went to Iris. She was still snuggled against Zayn. I felt bad but maybe she would want to leave with me.

"Would you like to go run with me?" I asks her nicely and she nodded standing up and giving Zayn back his jacket. She shifted without speaking and I looked at the boys as they stared at us.

"Rose you're being ridiculous now get back here," Niall yelled and I shook my head. "Rose do as I say!" He yelled louder. Iris let a low growl escape her lips from beside me and I rested my hand against the top of her head. She calmed as I reassured her everything was fine.

"Last time I checked you don't own me," I smirked as his anger bubbled to the surface. Why was he like this all of a sudden? Was it because of Iris?

I don't know.

I shifted to my wolf and took off into the woods.

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