Chapter 79

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Never Again: Chapter 79

Rose's POV

I watched as Iris left the living room. It pained my heart seeing her not smile or sad. But she was sad all the time, there fore my heart was constantly aching. I loved Iris like the sister I never had, she was better than my mom or dad could ever give me.

How are my parents? I last heard that they were going over seas when they called me last week while I was away with Christian. That was the first time they called me in 2 months. That was the reason I cried on the bathroom floor. They never gave a shit about me. I was alway handled me like a prize and they never paid attention to my feelings. In a way, I loathed them. They were awful shit excuses for parents.

I wretched myself from my thoughts when I heard my name being called.

"Rose!" Niall shouted, grabbing my hand in his and intertwining our fingers.

"What!?" I snapped and covered my mouth quickly. I didn't mean to bark at Niall, my voice just didn't sound pleasant. I sighed and put my hand back into my lap when I saw Niall's eyes turn a light blue with dark blue hues swirled into it. I have been giving Niall reasons to doubt my affection towards him, I mean with Blake and Christian I was basically breaking his heart.

I was only supposed to need him. Only him, nothing but him. Yet, I felt myself drawn to Christian like I was drawn to Iris. I can't explain it, but the bond is there; deep within whatever is in it's way, tangled into Christians should as it was connected to mine.

That's the only way I can describe a bond. It's when you feel drawn or compelled to be with that person. When you aren't with that person, the bonds invisible line sways back and forth causing pain in your chest. My bond with Niall was connected with my whole body, meaning if he had fallen and broken his leg, I would be able to feel the pain even though my leg wasn't broken.

My bond with Iris was like my bond with Niall, only stranger. It was basically the same, but different. I felt it being a different pain with Iris than with Niall. With Iris, when our bond was being hurt or severed, it felt like I was being sliced open with a pair of kitchen knives. When I felt my bond with Niall being threatened, I felt like all the life was being sucked out of me, and it felt like being ran over with a truck. I've never experienced both bonds hurting at the same time, but that's a good thing since I would probably die. The pain would be extremely intense.

Christians bond was like a brothers. I felt compelled to protect him even though he is almost 8 years older than me and has muscles that could easily compare to Niall's. But Niall had tremendous strength since he was a werewolf and Christian was not. Meaning that if they ever fought, Christian would die and Niall would be left for the victor title.

That would never happen.

I would protect Christian til my heart goes out because 1, I dragged him into this werewolf life and if anything happened I would loose myself again. 2, I feel like if he was gone, apart of my soul would leave as well.

The bond with Christian and I is strange, but there. Very, truly, amazingly there. And it would stay there forever. Or until my heart or his heart stops breathing.

"Why do you keep zoning out?" A familiar silky voice asked from my feet. I looked down, seeing Christians head and back laying on my knees and shins.

"Why are you on my legs?" I asked with a laugh and Christian smiled. He had a wonderful kind smile.

"You're warm and cozy," he answered and pulled his soft blanket over his body some more so it was settled under his chin. "Wanna come cuddle?" Christian asked and opened the blanket. I almost laughed and jumped at the offer until I felt Niall's grip on my waist tighten.

"Nah I got my teddy bear right here," I said, referring to Niall. Christian pouted then turned and watched the ridiculously boring television show again. "I love you." I muttered into Niall's shoulder as I snuggled into him closer.

"I don't like him," Niall's voice whispered so no one could hear over the loud television.

"Yes you will. Just get to know him. Please, he's like a big brother to me and I would appreciate it if you at least tried." I hesitated slightly before placing my lips on his rose shoulder tattoo.

The corners of his mouths pulled up, a smirk playing on his perfect lips.

"What?" I asked curiously staring at his lips perfect shape and color.

"Nothing." He answered, still displaying his wonderful devious smirk on his mouth.

"I'm leaving." I stated and got up from my spot on the couch. I left quickly before Niall or the boys could stop me in protest. I went up the stairs and locked the door to my room from the inside so no one could get in. Then I plopped on my bed.

Remembering how awful my parents were made me exhausted. I hated them so much. I just want to sleep for all eternity.

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