Chapter 16

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Never Again: Chapter 16

Rose's POV

I sat on the couch next to Niall as the boys discussed the plan for taking down the elite pack. I tried to participate, but they told me to stay out of it. And the less I knew the better.

It was raining, like a downpour outside. A clash of thunder shot across this sky, followed by a bolt of lightning.

"Hey, ease up on the storm." I mumbled to Niall, his head was deep inside some book. Apparently the book was chalked full of werewolf secrets, those that could destroy or protect. I, being human, wasn't allowed to experience that book.

"I'm sorry, I'm just a bit on edge," Niall apologized but I nodded. I knew this must e hard for him.

A clap of thunder sounded again, an the doors to the castle like mansion shot open. My eyes couldn't be seeing this right, this couldn't be happening. Zayn was carrying a body, not just any body, but Iris'

"Iris!" I stumbled from the couch to Zayn. "Zayn what the hell did you do!" I screamed and the boys all came over to Zayn, who laid Iris's limp rain soaked body on the large wooden dining room table. She was wrapped in a large blanket, but she was naked underneath.

"We, I don't know," Zayn stumbled through his words. Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at Iris. She was pale, even for Iris.

"Zayn, you didn't," Louis said, his voice laced with fear. I saw a bite on Iris' neck, it all made sense. Realization of what was happening hit me like a bus. I began to sob.

"You changed her," I choked on my words. Niall tried to comfort me by rubbing my back. "Don't fucking touch me Niall," I pushed him away. His normal blue eyes, changed from ice to a deep blue, with flecks of purple and black.

"I don't know what happened. We were by the lake, and I thought in was controlling myself," Zayn stuttered and I slapped him hard in the face. The boys all gasped at my sudden reaction.

"Did she want this!?" I pointed to her limp cold body on the table and Zayn shook his head no. "Then how could you do that to her!" Zayn stayed quiet as I broke down on the floor, crumpling like paper. I sobbed into my hands, and felt a presence beside me.

"Rose, I know you're upset. But she's not gone forever, she'll be awake in an hour or so," Niall whispered down from beside me. I looked up from my hands and shook my head.

"Do you get what this means? It means she's a part of your pack. She's no longer a sitting duck, she's a target. Those people who are trying to get you guys are going to see her as a new play thing, they're going to kill her first because she's the weakest link," I let out a shaky breath and waited for him to respond.

"We will protect you guys," Niall said. The other boys all agreeing expect for Zayn. Who looked like he was in his own world of hurt. He stood above Iris, gently moving a piece of hair from her face.

"You can try, but you can't protect us from everything," I whispered. "Zayn couldn't even protect Iris from himself, how do you plan on doing the same? You could hurt me, or Iris, well you've already hurt her," my eyes still released my tears as I saw Iris out of the corner of my eye.

This is all my fault, she will die because of me. All me. It's not Zayn's fault, it's mine. I shouldn't have ever brought her to the damn party and none of this would've ever happened, I screamed inside of my head.

"Rose," Louis said and knelt down beside Niall and I. I couldn't bring myself to look at Niall. I just hurt him by saying he wouldn't be able to protect me. And that's all he ever wanted.

"Yes Lou?"

"It's not your fault. Don't ever think that, you had no idea who were were at the time. And we can't control who our mates will be, it was a matter of time before Zayn chose Iris. Her being turned was just another step for them, she will be the same. And I promise you I will, all of us will, protect her and you." Louis said.

"I just don't know anymore," I whispered. "I'm sorry,"

"What are you saying?" Niall snapped from beside me. It took me only a second to see how hurt he was. His eyes said it all. "Are you leaving us? Are you leaving me?" Niall choked on his words and I tried to hold back my sobs.

I couldn't stay, but I had to. I love Niall, so much, but everything that's had happened in the last few days has been too much for me.

"No Niall, I don't want to leave you,"

"Then what are you saying?" He said again, his face contorted with fear and anger. The rain coming down from outside became heavier and a clap of thunder shook the old house.

"I don't know what I'm saying!" I screamed and stood up. I couldn't bare to be in this house anymore. They were suffocating me.

"Goodbye," I screamed and stormed out of the house an into the rain. I finally got to my car, and turned the key in ignition. I blasted the heat, my body shaking from the cold winter rain. I sped like a mad person down the long driveway, and onto the highway to get home. I blared the radio so I didn't hear my phone go off, but I knew someone was calling me because I felt the vibrations.

Once I got to my drive way, there was a car parked. Oh shit, my parents are home. I sneaked through the front door. It was late, like almost 12 o'clock. I really hope they were asleep. I tiptoed down the hall way and made it to the first step before my dads voice boomed through the house.

"Rose Williams where have you been!?" He asked with my mother beside of him. I stood there stunned for a moment, like a deer in headlights. I couldn't think if a probable lie, and I can't tell them I was with a pack of werewolves developing plans for a takedown of a rival pack.

"Honey, you look awful where have you been?" My mother questioned.

"Studying. I had to walk through the rain and," I thought quickly.

"Oh really, it looks like you've been crying." My father said and I froze.

"I banged my knee against a table," I lied again. They were not buying it.

"Rose, you're not the best liar," my mother said. I looked at the ground an wiped underneath my eyes. Sure enough my make up was running down my face.

"I know," I mumbled and bit my lip.

"So where have you been?" My dad asked forcefully.

"Out," I answered, I really hope that was enough for them.

"With who,"

"What does it matter who I was with?" I questioned defensively. I don't go around snooping in their lives, they don't have to snoop through mine.

"We want you to be safe Rose," my mother said harshly, and not in anyway motherly or comforting.

"Yeah like leaving me for days at a time is safe. You wouldn't even know if I was kidnapped. You never call, you don't give a shit about my safety," I snapped and began to walk up the steps to my room. I didn't want to stay here tonight, I liked it better when I had the house to myself.

Once I finished showering, and put on some yoga pants and a sweat shirt I decided I would go back. It was two in the morning, but I could stay here anymore. I packed an over night bag, and slid on my vans.

I guess my parents were sleeping because they didn't even bother to stop me. Some parents they are. I grabbed my keys from my counter and went back outside to my car.

The drive to the mansion was agonizingly slow. I didn't know if they would want me back after I said goodbye an stormed out. And Iris was probably awake as well, so I would have to be the only human amongst a pack of werewolves. Great.

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