Chapter 27

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Never Again: Chapter 27

Iris's POV

I loved the feeling of hunting, right now I was tracking a human scent through the woods, I let out a joyful howl when I finally reached the human. I was extremely joyful that I tracked him down, he looked about 5, and he was crying. I was scaring him.

I stepped forward and he backed into a tree. He screamed and cried and that only made me laugh inside, why was he alone in the first place, stupid kid. I went to bite him, but suddenly I was tackled and had my neck bit by a white object.

I looked up trying to get the massive thing off of me. It was Rose, I growled in protest as the little boy ran away. She let my prey go. She was still biting my neck so I couldn't get up. Dammit, I growled and started snapping at her. This time Niall growled viciously, I suddenly wanted to rip his throat out, why was he even here if Rose was doing all the work. I thrashed around and clawed Rose's white coat, we were opposite. My coat was black and hers was white, except for the fact that her stomach was bleeding from where I dug my claws into her. I howled in anger as I thrashed around more, Rose whimpered as I suddenly locked my teeth into her paw.

Niall growled and then scratched my face making me drop Rose's paw, then Niall bit down on the other side of my neck and I passed out.


I woke up in a weird place, but it smelled like home, as in the packs home. I was in human form, sadly naked , but I had a blanket wrapped around me. It looked like I was in prison. I must be in the cellar of the creepy house.

"You're up," Louis said from outside my cage. I only stared at him.

"There is no need to play the quiet game I can read your thoughts," Louis said snickering. But i didn't say anything. Suddenly Liam appeared beside him, and then Harry and Zayn walked to the cage.

"Why are you all here, shouldn't you be screwing each other," I growled.

"Don't be mad at us because your insane," Harry snapped.

"Why don't I get clothes," I asked suddenly aware that the only thing I had on to cover my self was a blanket.

"Because bad wolves don't deserve anything," Harry snapped. Fine if you want to play games, Harry lets play.

I suddenly changed into my wolf, and charged at them in the cage. I rammed my self into the wall, where they all were. Making them jump backwards. I growled at Harry showing my teeth. I examined my self in the mirror that was hanging behind them.

I looked magnificent, the tips of my teeth were black, my coat was shinny and black, and my eyes were a vibrant red, my claws were extremely long and sharp. And I knew that my teeth were black at the tips because that Is where my venom is stored. Suddenly I was curious of how Zayn healed.

I turned into human form and grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around my self. And stood up, making my way towards them.

"How did Zayn heal," I asked whoever.

"Rose healed Me," Zayn spoke up.

"Oh that's nice, if your expecting an apology your not getting one," I said sitting down on the ground again.

"What?" Louis looked shocked at my rudeness.

"Well Zayn turned me into a werewolf so basically he had it coming," I said innocently.

"Iris I didn't make you into what you are! You caused that by staying bitter and angry, and the only reason your mad at the world is because the world took your parents away! So stop blaming me for your problems." Zayn screamed, once he realized what he said he immediately went quiet.

Everyone waited for my reaction, but Louis was trying to read my mind.

"Why can't I read your thoughts," Louis asked suddenly.

"Because I blocked you, and all of you need to leave right now," I said feeling my wolf claw at the surface, she wanted out of the damn cage, and so did I. Louis saw my eyes change color.

"Yep time to go," he said and they dashed upstairs.

I released her and we turned. I howled angrily, as I rammed Into the cage, my wolf wanted out NOW! I kept ramming my self into the cage, as it began to bend, I was in pain, as my body continued to push against the metal. I was using all my strength and speed running and colliding with the caged wall.

"Niall, I told you not to put her down there she is hurting herself," Rose growled angrily from the top of the steps.

"She will heal, and eventually she will stop trying to get out. Come on you need to rest, i know it took a lot of your strength away healing your self," Niall said shutting the door as they walked away. I felt lonely and betrayed, I didn't like being confined to this cage.

So I didn't stop I continued to ram my body into the cage, soon I began to bleed, the old jagged edges of the cage were tearing me up, but I didn't stop. I howled as I paced the cage, and then jumped hard on the cage, yelping in pain. I knew I wasn't giving my self time to heal, but I wanted out. my shoulders, paws, chest, muzzle, and head, were bleeding badly, my side wasn't bleeding that bad because I wasn't using it as much.

I limped around the cage and then ran full speed to the dented area, and crashed my body against it i let out a long howl in pain. But finally it fell down. I climbed the stairs, I don't think anyone knew that I was out, but they would as soon as I left the basement, my wounds weren't healing and it made me mad, but I had to get out of this house before I passed out from pain.

I rammed my head against the door, and it flew open. I limped out into the living room, and everyone froze. Everyone was sitting on the couch either playing board games or watching TV. They never expected me to get out.

"Niall look at her, don't," Louis growled but judging from his reaction Niall didn't listen. Niall jumped up and growled as he turned. He was growling at me as he stepped closer, he didn't want me to hurt his pack, I think he was going to kick me out of the pack or kill me, he just couldn't do it yet. I could tell all this by looking into his eyes, I could tell what he was going to do, I guess it was a wolf thing.

I whimpered loudly and laid on the ground, I didn't want Niall to hurt me, I just wanted outside. I wanted to feel the sun on my face and sleep. But he was standing in the way of that, and I didn't have the strength to fight. He growled loudly and snapped at my ears, he wanted a fight, he wanted to prove his dominance. I whined loudly.

"Niall she doesn't want to fight you," Liam growled. Niall bit down on my ear and I growled at him. So being nice only brought pain, well Niall I hope you get what you ask for.

I stood up only to be knocked down by Niall, I so badly wanted to rip out his throat. I howled in pain but got up again, he scratched my already bleeding face and I yelped in pain. I laid down on my stomach, and closed my eyes. If he wanted a fight then he was gonna get one.

I commanded my wolf to heal herself, and that's what she did, the pain and blood disappeared in only a few seconds and then I jumped up on my feet.

"Oh shit," Harry said feeling all the hatred and anger I was feeling. Louis looked amazed at how fast I healed, but then it quickly turned to worry as Niall turned human. He put his hands up in surrender, what was his game?

I wanted to bite him, but I decided against it, but I did shove him down with my paw, and then trotted towards the door. It was locked, wow I am a human too. I looked back at them and they were studying me.

I turned human and unlocked the door, opened it and then turned into my wolf form. I trotted over to a nice sunny place and laid down, stretching out. Then I fell asleep in wolf form.

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