Chapter 6

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Never Again: Chapter 6

Rose's POV

"Bye Liam, drive safe!" I called out the door as Liam took the drunken Iris away. I couldn't believe how things escalated so quickly. I took another gulp of my mixed vodka drink and tried to relax my nerves.

"Hey Rose, what's wrong?" Niall came from beside me and wrapped my in his arms. I molded against his chest and tried to calm my breathing, which was now becoming more and more erratic.

"It's just I invited her, and if that Isaac dumbass was a douche to her I don't know how I would be able to forgive myself," I whispered and tried not to cry. "This party sucks," I mumbled again and Niall rubbed his large hand against my bare back.

"Shhh no no, Zayn saved her before that Isaac kid could take advantage of her," Niall cooed. He grasped my chin and made me look up at him. "Do you want me to make everyone leave?" I nodded and Niall looked understanding.

"I'll wait upstairs," I mumbled and pulled myself from Niall warm arms.

As I stumbled up the stairs I felt my brain becoming harder and harder to understand. I finally made it to my room, and fell against my bed. I didn't bother taking off my dress, I just got under the covers and waited for the party to end.

"Hey," an unfamiliar voice said from the doorway, leaving the door unlocked was probably the stupidest thing I could've done. "Lets have some fun," the drunken boy spoke.

"How about you leave me the fuck alone and get out of my room," I growled. He laughed and began to get on top of my bed. I began to panic. "Get away from me!" I scooted away from him as he crawled forward on my bed.

"Oooo you're feisty," he finally closed the space between us, connecting our lips together. I couldn't kiss back, I was too stunned. I squirmed under his grip but he just held me tighter. I finally bit down on his bottom lip, I could taste the blood and he pulled away. "YOU BITCH," before I knew it his hand connected with my cheek, instantly making it sting. I fell off my bed, and began to cry. Why was this happening.

"NIALL," I screamed. "NIALL HELP ME!" I screamed again and the boy began to unbutton his pants. I couldn't see much, but I know he was going to try something that would haunt me forever.

"Shut up, Niall can't hear you, you dumbass," he slapped me again, and climbed on top of me. We were still on the ground. "Now try not to scream so loud," he whispered against my skin and I screamed for Niall.

"ROSE!" It wasn't Niall who busted through the door, but it was Louis. Louis wasn't as tall or built as the other boys, but he could sure take someone in a fight. "WHAT THE FUCK! NIALL!" Louis called and pushed my attacker off of me.

"Come on man," the boys said, but Louis punched him straight in the nose, the punch it self made his nose crack.

"What the hell, if I want to fuck her than I can!" the boy said ignorantly. He clutched his face in his hand but still tried to touch my legs. I moved farther away from him and closer to Louis.

"What the hell is everyone screaming my name for," Niall finally came into my room, his eyes changing from annoyed to furious within seconds.

"Horan, look I just wanted to fuck her, I mean you understand that right?" The boy looked scared, the ignorant smirk completely vanished when he saw how pissed Niall was.

"You wanted to fuck Rose?" Niall said coldly. "You touched her? You kissed her? Who the hell do you think you are?!" Niall gripped the kid by his collar and pulled him closer to his face. Then Niall pushed him so he was against the wall, Niall's forearm was against the boys throat, no doubt choking him.

"I just wanted some fun," the boys stammered. I was so scared, this is what Niall was really like. He was scary, and people were scared of him. I grabbed onto Louis, holding him tighter. Louis wrapped his arms around my in a hug, he knew Niall was scaring me.

"Well, I could have some fun punching your face into you brain!" Niall's fist collided with the wall behind the boy, causing it cave in, leaving a hole.

"Niall," Louis whispered. Niall's head snapped over to us. I saw the fury in his eyes, even if my room was dark. I quickly hid my face from his heated gaze. "You're scaring her." Louis spoke again, still soft like before.

"If I even see you looking in Rose's direction, I won't hesitate to keep my word and kill you." Niall growled. I heard shuffling. I still didn't want to look at Niall, he was so scary. I buried my face further into Louis neck, the smell of his body making me calm.

"Rose," I looked up at Louis and he smiled. "Are you ok?" He asked, worry flashing through his features. I shook my head no. "What did he try and do?" Louis picked me up, and set me on my bed. I was thankful for that, my legs were becoming wobbly.

"Well, he kissed my neck, he even stole my first kiss. Then when I said to stop, he slapped me hard against the cheek, I fell off the bed. Then he started to undress, then that's when you saved me Louis." I whimpered and began to cry.

"Oh Rose," Louis whispered, pulling me into a hug once again. I cried into he shirt as he rubbed my back. "It'll be ok. Can I leave you alone with Niall? He wants to talk to you,"

"Ok, thank you for everything Louis," I whimpered and hugged him again, then kissed his cheek. Before Louis left, he placed his lips on my head, and kissed me gently.

Then he whispered something into Niall's ears, causing Niall to soften a bit. Once he left, I sat awkwardly on my bed while I waited for Niall to come and talk to me. I know what happened tonight wasn't as bad as what could have happened. Though it was still bad, I was starting to rethink my 'friendship' with Niall. He was nothing but trouble.

"Rose," Niall said from beside my bed, snapping me out of my train of thoughts. "I'm so sorry ok?"

"It's not your fault," I barely whispered.

"It is my fault, I should've been there with you. I should've kept you safe but I didn't," he was kneeling beside my bed, so that we were almost eye level with me. "I just want you to feel safe with me,"

"I think I'll feel safe once I forget what happened tonight,"

"I understand," Niall whispered, and got up to leave.

"Wait where you you think you're going!?" I asked frantically.

"I thought you wanted me to leave you alone for the night since I scared you," Niall said sadly and continued his way to the door.

"NIALL STOP! I want you to stay! I don't want someone like him to come back, stay with me and just keep me fucking safe," I begged. He stopped and turned around, then sat in silence on my bed.

"I'll try my best princess." Niall said, wrapping me in his arms as we laid back on my bed. "Did he really steal your first kiss?" Niall asked and I nodded. I didn't trust my voice. I just want to lay in silence until I can sleep. "What if I said, I wanted to kiss you, would you accept it?"

"I would,"

"Can I kiss you?"


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