Chapter 92

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Never Again: Chapter 92

Rose's POV

A howl rang through the forrest as I plunged my teeth into a shoulder of a female Daemon. She cried out but I shook my head to the side forcefully, breaking her spine. She was dead, that was a total of 5 Daemons I've killed.

The howl sounded again, it was incredibly desperate. And loud.

I looked around the bloody mess I was in. Niall and Blake were panting. Blake had managed to fight with one arm, which was amazing. He had a gun, then he ran out of bullets and used a knife. Niall obviously had protected Blake as well, they were each others eyes from behind.

But we couldn't save everyone. Three out of the 8 hunters we took with us laid dead against the forrest floor. The Daemons were all dead around us as well, there were 23 of them, but we killed every one of them.

"We need to go help the others," John the medic said. He was just as handy with a knife as he was stitching someone up. We all nodded an I raced back to the house, leaving the others in the dust.

I want to know why Jace, the Daemons alpha, didn't want to fight with Niall.

'Its because Iris killed his mate. He's going after her! You idiot!' My wolf yelled at me. It clicked, I panicked and ran faster.

Soon I came to the territory around the huge mansion. Blood and bodies of both the Daemons and hunters laid everywhere. Iris was crouched down, her haunches in the air and her sharp canine teeth bared. They were oozing with venom as the grayish wolf came closer to the boys. I searched for a living hunter amongst the bodies but there was none, they all had been killed.

Louis and Zayn looked worse than Harry or Iris. Louis' back looked torn apart, he was face down in the dirt and I couldn't tell if he was breathing or if his body was twitching. Zayn looked like something you see from a horror film. His whole abdomen was shredded as well as part of his chest and arms, I thought I saw his intestines but a snarl from in front of me redirected my attention.

Jace's grayish wolf lunged forward towards Iris, teeth bared and claws out. I snarled as well and lept from my spot, a whole 9 feet, and bit down into Jace's shoulder as hard as my jaw would let me. I heard his bones crunch and muscles tear but I made my teeth go in further.

Jace howled with pain, I let him go and stood above him. He was the weak alpha, not me or Niall. I snarled at him and slashed my large paw against his snout. Suddenly a beta Daemon tackled me off their pathetic excuse for an alpha and onto the ground. They tried to bite down on my neck but I lurched backwards and bit into their side. I tore a chuck away and then finished them off.

Jace was now on his feet. I had to weaken him if I wanted to take his wolf away. Then Iris could kill him.

Jace was growling at Iris, you would think he would learn his lesson. Iris pounced on him, knocking him to the ground. She bit his other shoulder like I did. A strong looking beta charged at them, I used my strong hide legs and tackled him to the ground. He growled at me, but I grabbed his throat with my teeth and shook my head violently. He laid dead underneath me.

"Rose!" Blake screamed and I watched as two more betas charged at the wounded Louis and Zayn. Iris was still preoccupied with Jace, so I sunk my teeth into one beta after another.

Where the hell do these Daemons keep coming from?!

A howl of pain shot through the air and I twirled around to see Jace, in human form, coughing up black liquid.

I turned human as well, but stayed half wolf.

I stepped over the bloody bodies and stood above Jace. "You've hurt me in ways you'll never understand." I growled, crouching down so I could be eye level with him.

"I'm not done hurting you. Even if you kill me, I'll still be around, in your head. You'll look over your shoulder when you hear a noise, I've taken away your sense of safety and you'll never be the same. Just face the fact and live in fear." He smiled an evil grin, his teeth covered in the black liquid.

"My fear dies when you do!" I yelled and plunged my claws into his chest. I could feel his wolf presence scream in anger and fear as I ripped him from Jace. Jace yelled in pain as well, he writhed underneath me but I drove my claws in deeper. His wolf body disappeared into the dark sky. Jace screams of pain quickly died down, he was going to die. His wolf wasn't keeping him alive any more.

Iris came over, crouching on his other side like I was. "This is for being a dick!" She yelled and ripped his neck open. Jace gasped, then his eyes stayed still staring off into space.

I didn't know what to do, Niall and the hunters had killed the remaining Daemons. They were standing bloody and sweaty in front of me.

Was it really over?

"Zayn!" Iris cried as she pulled her bloody fingers from Jace's body. I whirled around to see that John the medic was already tending to Louis' wounds, they weren't as bad as Zayn's but were still awful. I made my legs move, no matter how tired I was I will not let one of my own pack members die.

"Help him!" Iris ordered and I nodded. I fell to my knees beside Zayn, I didn't know what to do.

I only know how to extract venom and take away someone's wolf. I don't know how to actually heal someone. I panicked and focused on Zayn. His breathing was slow and labored and I know he didn't have much time left.

He can't die! I yelled to myself.

I closed my eyes, not sure what to do but my wolf controlled my hands. She moved them in a circular pattern a few inches from his mauled stomach. I opened my eyes, the air around my body was swirling, I don't know what it was but I seemed different. Like I was in my own world for a moment.

I gaped at Zayns abdomen, his open skin was closing, and the blood stopped pouring from his wound as well. There was a tealish colored light that reflected from Zayn's tan skin. It looked mystical as I continuously moved my hands in a circular pattern.

Time seemed to stop. Zayn laid still as my hands finally stopped swirling. My head began to spin instead, suddenly the steely smell of blood hit my nose like a car hitting a brick wall.

I felt faint.

'Stop being weak!' My wolf yelled at me. I alerted myself and stood up from Zayn. He was alive, whatever I did worked.

His stomach was healed, somehow I did it. I don't know how but my wolfs instinct reacted perfectly and saved him.

Iris was crying and holding Zayns head in her lap. I weakly smiled and turned around to see the gore the Daemons left us to pick up. Bodies scattered everywhere, a growing pond of blood forming around each body.

Harry stood by Louis as John stitched his back up with a needle and thread. Harry had a bite mark on his shoulder but I could see it healing itself already. Louis was conscious, he just couldn't move.

Arms wrapped around my waist, I jumped and remembered what Jace's final words were. Whoever it was their scent was masked with blood and dirt.

"Oh," I croaked as Niall turned me around. My chest was against his as my arms wrapped tightly around his neck. "Is it over?" I asked, tears brimming my eyes.

For the last 6 months, the Daemons have been somewhat controlling my life. Everywhere I went I felt their presence or I felt like they would come attack me. I knew it wouldn't be the same after I fought their pack.

I never realized how empty I would feel. I killed people today, lots of them.

"Yes, I think it is." Niall's hoarse voice calmed me. But only for a moment until I began to sob into his neck.

It really was over wasn't it.

(A/N: what did you think of the big fight scene?? Thank you so much for reading! I can't wait to write book 2 xx)

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