Chapter 85

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Never Again: Chapter 85

Iris's POV

I shot up out of bed and checked my surroundings something felt different and my wolf was on full alert about something. I was still in Zayn's room but he wasn't in here, and that made me relax a little because my wolf was angry. I checked in the mirror and I looked the same except that I had dried blood on the back of my neck and my spine was badly bruised but I still looked normal.

I got up and threw on some clothes after I took a shower and went down stairs. Everyone except for Christian was up, and they were eating breakfast. I was going to say hello to them but suddenly the wind was knocked out of me and I fell to the floor. It felt like my chest was ripping apart. I thought I was dying and the pain in my chest was like every muscle In my body was getting shredded. My wolf growled loudly, she sensed dark anger towards us.

Everyone was standing around me talking frantically but I couldn't hear them, I couldn't see them, I just could sense them. Then I screamed bloody murder and I could feel that a bond was trying to reattach it's self but at the same time it felt like the bond was destroying it's self. I was suddenly aware of everything, the pain was becoming unbearable and my wolf was getting pissed off more and more by the second. My wolf was clawing inside me she was also in pain but it only made her angrier.

I knew my eyes were purple and I knew the the names that were on my skin were also purple. I sensed it. I felt the darkness getting closer and it only made the pain increase. My wolf was trying so hard to destroy the bond that was trying to repair itself, but something was blocking her. It was like we didn't want this painful bond to break but at the same time we didn't know what the bond was.

A knock at the door made the pain leave, yet the bond was still there. I was panting hard, as I crawled towards the wall with Rose's help. But before she could ask me what happen her face went white. She must of felt the bond too but I don't think it caused her pain. Maybe some discomfort, but not full out pain. Rose was frozen like a statue as Niall opened the door and he went rigid.

Niall looked at Rose and I then hurried towards Rose grabbing her and pulling her to his side.

I could feel it, and then I realised why their was pain for me and not Rose. I knew who the bond belonged too. I held my breathe as the source of anger and darkness was.

"Hi Rose," Liam said giving her a half smile but then frowning when he looked at me.

'Noooo!!!' My wolf screamed as I went pale. He was dark, he was just like me. He held dark magic.

I did this to him. He was alive, but he hated me. A million thoughts raced through my mind as I looked at him. He hated us because we made him dark, and yet I loved him more than I loved anyone else. He was alive though, how was he alive?

Everyone knew who he was, and they knew that I had killed him yet here he was. How was this possible.

"Hi Liam," Rose said, finally talking. And I bit my lip as hard as I could causing me to bleed, I was going insane. I wanted to hug Liam and kiss him, and tell him how much I had missed him. But I knew he hated me, and something bigger than my wolf wanted to fight him. Maybe it was the darkness inside us that made is want to dominate Liam.

But we couldn't, I couldn't.

Finally Rose walked up and hugged Liam and my wolf wanted to rip her face off for touching him. Which scared me that my wolf would be so possessive over Liam that she would want to hurt Rose.

"What's wrong Iris you look like you seen a ghost," Liam said darkly, there was no longer that happy boy that I loved with all I had. But a dark boy who hated me.

It occurred to me that he would never fully know how much I missed him. But his hate towards me was killing me. His hate towards me hurt me more than I could ever hurt my self and my wolf was going insane feeling his hate.

Suddenly Liam's eyes went black and he went wolf. Not full wolf like Niall, Rose and I. Just half, but the fangs he bared at me were venomous, and his eyes went blood red like mine. He growled at me, Rose was now by Niall's side and everyone looked generally frightened. Harry, Louis, and Zayn were all growing their claws and teeth as well as Rose and Niall. Rose's eyes were red, but nothing compared to Liam's.

My wolf didn't back down, instead I stood up and turned my back to him as I took my clothes off. I wouldn't let him see that his name was permanently on my skin.

I turned wolf and I felt the acid in my mouth. Liam wouldn't ever have acid for his venom because he wasn't fully like me bI was special, I was made for Rose and she was made for me. Dark and light, so I had special gifts that he wouldn't have. Liam had gifts as well that I wouldn't have because he was back from the dead.

Liam snarled at me, his nails seemed to grow an extra inch along with his teeth as well as he grew in height. I howled and charged at him knocking us both back outside, tumbling down the steps. It was hard to accept that Liam was alive. But I knew he was as he slashed my face and I scratched his chest.

Liam pushed me off of him and then jumped on my back.

"You made me a worse than I already was! This is your fault!" He screamed and it made me cry inside because this was true, and this must be how Zayn felt when I blamed him. "Just like it was your fault your parents died." he yelled and it didn't sound like Liam.

It broke me apart inside knowing that it was his darker side talking to him. I roared in anger and slashed his face. He stumbled back and fell down I turned half wolf, so I could talk. I grabbed his neck and pulled him up to my eye level. My eyes were the mystifying purple that reflected in his pitch black ones.

"I'm sorry Liam, but you will just have to get over it because I am a killer and I don't care that I ruined your life so get the fuck over it, you will accept yourself eventually. Maybe you will never forgive me for killing you but I didn't mean to, and I'm sorry you are stuck this way." I said and then I kissed his forehead. I dropped him to the ground again and stepped back. I could see him look at his name engraved on my chest.

"Welcome to hell." I said and then I turned wolf and jumped over him and ran into the woods.

What I said to Liam was a lie, I did care that I ruined his life and I did care that he hated me. My wolf was so pissed and yet she was so sad and upset. My insides were in knots and I knew I wouldn't be able to return home until I could truly control my self but I was falling apart with each step I took. Before long I turned human and fell to the ground and cried.

I cried and screamed and pulled at my hair and scratched at the trees and punched the ground and scratched at my skin . Then when their was too much pain for my wolf to handle she let Rose feel our pain. We let Rose feel everything we were, and we made sure she could sense us unraveling because she was the only one who truly cared.

So I screamed some more, but it didn't stop there. We cursed the air, yanked on our hair and punched the ground until our hand was broken and bleeding.

Again and again, I did the same thing, trying to feel anything because all the emotions together made my wolf and I feel numb. I screamed in frustration and sadness and looked at my chest, Liam's purple name engraved on my chest was bleeding, and I knew it was my wolf who was the cause.

But I didn't care I just wanted the pain in my heart to leave so I screamed some more as I unraveled on the forest floor. But as much as I hated feeling the pain that was now consuming me, it was better to feel pain then nothing at all.

Then my wolf howled the pain we were feeling, and we pierced the sky with the awful cry. It was Liam's hate towards us the made us realize how awful and worthless we were. So we screamed and then all the water around us went crazy as we used the last of our strength, and finally I cried my self to sleep, with no intentions of going back home.

I knew if we went back home, everyone would probably be murdered. So instead, I remained on the ground shivering and shaking violently as the tears still poured from my face even as I slept.

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