Chapter 33

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Never Again: Chapter 33

Iris's POV

"What," I asked again.

"YOU KILLED LIAM! " Niall bellowed, I didn't realise Niall was in here too.

"No," I shook my head, they were lying they had to be lying.

"THIS ISN'T A FUCKING JOKE, YOU MURDERED LIAM," Niall roared. Aden opened the door and came in, he sensed my wolf stirring.

"YOUR LYING," I screamed as I tried to get up. My back screamed in pain but I sat up. Rose got up and stood next to Niall, she was crying again, I could sense she was mad at me. She wanted to strangle me yet comfort me, but she did neither.

"They aren't lying," Aden spoke up. I shook my head, as tears stung my eyes, they were healing unbelievably slow, along with my back.

"I don't believe you, I wouldn't kill Liam, I WOULDN'T!" I screamed. my back was spazzing up, and my eyes burned from the tears.

"I'm sorry but you did, you and your wolf killed him," Aden spoke calmly. I shook my head in denial.

"Liam is my best friend, my brother, I wouldn't kill him," I whispered.

"BUT YOU DID!" Niall screamed.

Niall was beyond pissed, Bose was broken, and Aden was calm.

"You should leave," Aden said quickly to rose and Niall. They nodded and shut the door.

"I want to see Liam" I said looking at Aden.

"No, he is dead and you need to rest" he replied softly.

"NO" I screamed and tried to stand, I was wearing a long shirt, I guess Aden dressed me. I fell to the floor in pain.

"Stop it Iris, lay down," Aden growled. I shook my head no, I would speak but the pain was making it impossible. I turned into my wolf, she was defeated and broken, so I had control over her.

I demanded her to get up, even though my body screamed in pain. Aden blocked the door. "Go to bed Iris," Aden hissed but I shook my head, I could feel my self crying. Liam couldn't be dead, I couldn't have killed him. I shoved Aden over with my head and then I rammed myself into the door, luckily it opened easily. I stumbled out and walked outside. Niall growled, Rose and Niall were sitting on the steps outside. I ignored him and jumped over them landing hard on the ground. My legs gave out and I howled in pain, But I got up again.

"What are you doing?" Niall hissed. But I ignored him again, I needed to follow Liam's sent. He had to be okay.

"Iris your not going to like what you find," Aden's voice rang out, but I growled And then I pushed my self to run, yelping and whimpering in pain. I knew they were following me. But I didn't wait for them I pushed my self faster, following the scent of blood. I made it to where I attacked them, then I picked up Liam's scent and followed it.

"Iris?" I heard zayn question as I slowed down as Liam's scent got stronger. Zayn, Louis, and Harry, were carrying something, but I was still too far away, and my eyes weren't healed.

I stumbled forward, "Iris don't," Louis said. But I didn't listen. I walked up to them, they stopped walking and set Liam down. I let out a long sorrowed filled howl at the sight of Liam. He didn't even look the same. I did this, I killed him, I growled viciously at the others and they stepped back. I nudged his cold body with my nose. I wanted him to magically get up, I wanted my best friend back, I wanted him to comfort me when I was sad, I wanted to tell him all my secrets, I needed him to tell me that he was never going to leave me. I needed my brother back.

I howled again as i nudged liams lifeless body. then I turned human, and I collapsed on my knees and hugged his cold, discoloured body. "WHAT DID I DO!" I screamed and sobbed into his chest. "WHAT DID I DO!" I cried harder. "Please wake up," I sobbed into him. It was all my fault, I never wanted to hurt Liam, Liam was the only family I had left and now I had none. "I'm so sorry Liam, I didn't mean too," I cried as I clutched him harder. "I love you so much, I'm so sorry," I sobbed.

"Iris you need to go, we have to bury him," Zayn said softly.

"NO ! DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HIM!" I screamed as I hugged Liam again. "You promised you wouldn't leave me," I sobbed, "I'm so sorry, please come back, I won't do it again," I pleaded. I knew it was hopeless yet I was a wreck, and I just wanted him back. "Liam I didn't mean to hurt you, I promise I can be good, Aden said he would help me, JUST COME BACK" I sobbed.

Suddenly someone pulled me back and I knew it was Aden. I squirmed in his arms as I sobbed uncontrollably. "LET ME GO," I screamed, I was in so much pain. Even though my back hurt, the worst pain I suffered was the fact that I just lost Liam. And I was his killer. I turned into my wolf so Aden had to drop me. But I didn't have the strength to get up. I just laid on the ground breathing heavy.

"Your eyes are blue," Aden stated looking down at me. I whimpered in reply, of course they would be, I just found out that I murdered the only family I had left. Aden studied me as I howled softly

"Here bite me," Aden held his Arm out. I looked at him like he was stupid. "No it is okay the venom doesn't affect us, it will help ease your pain though," Aden explained. I just bit down on his hand. And I let the pain leave. For a few seconds I was relieved, but then he pulled his arm away, and then the pain came back and I cried. I didn't bother getting up I just stayed on the ground with my eyes closed.

I focused on the sound of heart beats so I couldn't hear anyone talk, I counted 7 even though there used to be 8. I knew they had to bury Liam, but I just couldn't deal with this anymore. Deep down in my heart I knew that everyone hated me, hell, I hated me. But the real question was if they would forgive me. If they don't forgive me that would be understandable, and I wouldn't blame them, the only person to blame was my self, because I was the real monster here.

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