Chapter 55

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Never Again: Chapter 56

Rose's POV

I can't believe I was going to be mated tonight. This is a big deal. My hands were shaking as I wrapped my towel around my damp hair. Niall left about 30 minutes ago saying he had to run to the store to buy something. The store was about 20 minutes away, so he wouldn't be back for another 30 or so.

I wanted to make my nerves go away so I did my hair, blow drying and the loosely curling the ends since my hair was already pretty wavy. I brushed my teeth twice, just to make sure. But I didn't bother with make up, Niall told me many times that he hated when I wore it. He said he liked when he could see me blush an when I wore make up, he couldn't see it.

I wanted to make tonight special but the more I thought about it the more I got nervous. I stepped out of the bathroom and into Niall and I's bedroom. I tidied up, picking up shirts that Niall or I had thrown on the ground. Then I lit a few calming candles, maybe they could calm my nerves.

I didn't know what to do or how to act. I wasn't sure Niall was experienced in this type of thing, we had never talked about it. I was afraid he was and the thought of someone taking Niall's virginity hurt me and made me want to tear their head off. But I'm sure he wasn't a virgin because well, boys will be boys.

What was I supposed to do when Niall came home, lay naked on the bed? Or under the covers? Just the thought of that made my skin crawl with embarrassment. So I kept my robe on my body. Niall would like to take it off of me anyway. This was his night too, I've been denying him for months.

It had been an hour since Niall left, then I heard his car pull into our drive way. My heart race increased when I heard the door to his black jeep shut and I waited as I heard him climb the steps. I stood up once he grasped the door handle and twisted it.

He looked perfect, his blonde hair could be seen under his dark grey beanie. A black shirt clung to his body an I could see his perfect tattoos peeking out of his sleeve. Grey sweats hung loose on his hips, and he was wearing black vans to finish it off. Niall was carrying two bags in his hands and had a wide grin on his face.

"Hello," I squeaked and he moved closer with the shopping bags.

"Hey babe, sorry I was gone so long," he leaned in and kissed my cheek before lifting the bags on the bed. "I had to get some things, I'm sorry if I made you wait too long," he apologized and I shook my head.

"No it's fine, I tided the room and showered so I kept myself busy," I said and sat on the bed next to the bed next to the shopping bags, peering inside to see what Niall had bought.

"Alright babe, but can you go and wait downstairs for about 15 minutes, please. I promise I won't take any longer," Niall asked and I nodded my head, confused as to what he wanted to do and what he was planning. "Great," Niall smiled wide and kissed my cheek. I walked from the room without a word and went downstairs to the kitchen.

I grabbed a magazine off the counter and began to flip though it mindlessly. I grew restless with thoughts of what could happen. Like, what if he had better before me. Or what if I screw something up. What if it hurts too bad? My heart was pounding in my chest and I could barely breath. I gripped the counter and steadied my breathing.

Before I knew it Niall came down the steps to take me upstairs.

"I know you're nervous, and we don't have to do this," Niall said when we reached the top step.

"No Niall, I want this. I really really want this," I was convincing him as much as I was convincing myself.

"Ok but only if you want this, I don't want to hurt you," Niall frowned but I nodded my head, as if saying I was sure that I wanted him. "Ok babe," the frown left, he seemed excited to say the least. "I wanted to make this special for you, since it's your first time so I kind of went all out," I didn't know what he meant until we reached our bedroom and opened the door.

My breath hitched as I stared at our bedroom. It fifteen minutes Niall turned our room into something very cozy, and almost breath taking. Lights hung from the head board, also there were even more candles that when I had lit a few. The lights made the room glow, the candles flickered and gave it that awe inducing look as well. He laid blankets at the end of the bed that seemed even more warm and cozy.

"Wow," I muttered and took a step into the room. I stepped on something that caught my attention, they were rose petals. Actually there were rose petals everywhere and I hadn't even seen them.

"Do you like it?" Niall's voice made me jump because he had been so quiet before. I nodded my head yes. He took my hand and led me to the bed.

This is it, I thought. Deep breaths.

"I actually bought you something at that little jewelry store downtown," Niall said and he took a little black rectangular box from his pocket of his sweats. He opened the lid and a small gold chain with a crescent moon charm was laying in the velvet. "I was planning on getting you it. That's why it has an inscription," he flipped over the crescent moon and let me read the inscription, it was small, but still readable. "Forever and always," he whispered the inscription.

The inscription was only three words, but it still meant more to me than anything. I knew I was nervous before, but now that I know Niall truly cares about me and loves me, I don't think I am anymore.

"Want me to put it on?" Niall asked an I grinned, nodding my head. I don't know what it is, but I can't seem to speak. He grabbed the small gold chain and placed its box on the bedside table. The he undid the clasp, I turned around and lifted my hair while he put the necklace around my neck. I smiled, the necklace was cool against my skin, it felt right.

"Thank you Niall. I love you," I blushed and grabbed at the necklace that was newly adorning my neck. Niall grinned and took off his shirt, I guess in really doing this. I began to slip off my robe, but Niall stopped me.

"Ah ah ah. I also bought chocolates, but I guess we could wait till later," Niall shrugged and took off his beanie. He had hat hair, I stifled a laugh and ran my hair through it. I made him look like a messy slob by doing so but he still looked really hott.

"We can have a snack afterwards," I smiled and he did too. Niall kicked off his shoes and socks and then came closer to me, grabbing my hips.

"We're gonna do this right," he whispered and I shivered with anticipation. I was staring at his lips while he closed the distance between us. "What colour are my eyes?" Niall asked suddenly when he was inches to my own lips.

They were a beautiful color. They were like fire, and then had purple flames coming from the iris. "They're like flames," I whispered and he nodded. "What colour are mine?"

"Well, they're also like flames," Niall smiled and I blushed for what seemed like the 100th time in five minutes. I put my hands on his chest and traced his many tattoos until my hand rested on my favorite one, the rose one. "You like that tattoo don't you?" Niall smiled and I nodded. "Well I got that one a day after I met you, I just never knew how to tell you because I thought you would think I'm weird," Niall half blushed but I just smiled at him.

"That makes me love it even more," I whispered and grabbed his face, closing the distance between us. Our lips moved in sync until he finally shrugged off my robe, and laid me against our large bed. I rested my head on the pillows as I watched him take off his sweats, then his boxer. I know I've seen him naked, plenty of times. But this time was different because he wasn't being naked for shifting, he was naked to mate with me. That made my skin crawl because it was the same for me.

"Princess, it's going to hurt because it's your first time," he looked worried. I know it was going to hurt but it couldn't be as bad as when I was bitten by Iris or bitten by Niall to become a werewolf. Or worse than the time I was human and the Daemon attacked me. That seemed like a whole other person, I guess in a way it was.

"I know,"

"I'll go slow. The way lovers do," Niall whispered and that just made me want him more. I nodded eagerly and I smile appeared on his red lips. He was naked, and I was naked. He hovered over my body, each of his hands on either side of my head. "You're so beautiful," he mumbled and moved away from lips and down to my neck. I moaned when he found that perfect spot right behind my ear.

He seemed to like touching my body. He was using one of his forearms to support his weight, while he was rubbing his free hand up and down my sides and all over my back. It made me feel loved and the way you should when you're about to lose something that's irreplaceable. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him while his hands touched me. I tangled my fingers in his hair, pulling slightly causing him to moaned into our kiss. I smiled into our kiss, something told me he was too.

"Babe," Niall moaned I knew he was just as eager as I was. The pit in my stomach growing every time he kissed me or touched me. I took a moment to look in his eyes, they were the most intense I had ever seen them. The were glowing almost.

"I'm ready," I whispered and he nodded, he got off of me to put on a condom, slipping it on with one of his hands he smiled at me. I smiled back even if I wasn't sure how much this would hurt. "Lets get under the blankets?" I asked sheepishly and he nodded in agreement. I slid up on the bed so he could pull down the duvet, I slipped back inside and waited for him.

He came back and hovered over me once again, using his forearms to support his weight. Then he pulled the duvet over his back, it felt more private when we were under the covers. "I love you princess," he opened my legs. I wrapped my legs around his body, and then my arms loosely around his neck.

"I'm sorry I'm not experienced," I blurted out right before he could do anything. He was surprised at my outburst but the shook his head.

"No, I'm happy this is your first time. This way I'm the only one who can touch you and kiss you and do this," he was distracting me for what was coming. I screamed as I felt him enter me, thrusting softly but it still hurt. "Princess, it's okay just breathe," he whispered into my ear and I tried to reposition myself so it wouldn't hurt as bad. He pace was slow, I knew he was holding back for me and I felt somewhat guilty about it.

I did as I was told and took deep breaths until the pain was slowly subsiding. He attacked my lips with his and swallowed the small moans that were escaping my mouth. I moved away from his lips and down to his neck, sucking gently.

After awhile of Niall moving slowly and me trying to become comfortable, the pain was replaced by intense pleasure and I moaned his name while he cursed under his breath. I moaned loudly and he seemed to enjoy when I did so because after he would kiss me with intense passion and lust.

"Fuck, Rose," he mumbled and I smiled, he thrusted hard into me and I screamed and moaned because he hit the right spot. "I love you," he mumbled and kissed my lips again.

"I think I'm close," I moaned and he nodded and slowed his pace down, hitting the same spot which caused me to scream out his name louder than ever.

"I am too princess," Niall groaned an I nodded. I grinded my hips against his and he let out a throaty moan which caused me to loose it. "Fuck Rose I love you so much," he mumbled and came with me, riding out his high.

He laid against me once he was done, I felt so strange. I felt like I was glowing almost. "I'm gonna pull out," Niall's voice was hoarse and I nodded. I gasped when he did, feeling emptiness. Niall looked over to me as if he done something wrong.

"I just feel empty now," I said, my voice hoarse as well and Niall smiled slightly and slipped off his used condom, throwing it in the waste basket that was by our bedside table. "I love you Niall," I whispered and grabbed at the necklace he had given me.

"I love you too babe," he whispered and came back to lay with me. It felt so right to have him next to me. "You don't regret it now do you?"

"No why would I regret it?" I asked, confused to why he would think that.

"Well, Iris said something," he trailed off.

"No Iris has the dream to travel, all I need is you and I'm perfectly fine," I smiled and he mirrored.

"That makes me very happy," Niall said and I nodded in agreement. I'm not sure what we should do now? Should we sleep? Or should we sit in silence? Because I'm not tired at all.

I guess Niall was okay with sitting in silence. It was nice and content and I felt I made the right choice to mate with him. I cuddled to his side and he began to hum a song I didn't recognize.

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