Chapter 49

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Never Again: Chapter 50

Rose's POV

I was silently pacing outside of the castle like house. I watched as the boys watched me, they didn't know what to do. They just found out their alpha had lied to them, they didn't want to trust him but they had no choice.

"Rose, the best thing you can do right now is try and stay calm," Harry stood up from the steps and grabbed my shoulders to stop my anxious pacing.

"I'm sorry Harry," I knew all my emotions were taking a toll on Harry. He released my shoulders and ran his fingers through his dark hair. He nodded and sat back down next to Louis. Louis hasn't been able to read my mind in some time, I always blocked my thoughts from him.

"I can hear him crying from here," I cursed and began to walk the steps to go back inside.

"You're already forgiving him?" Zayn, who had a sleeping Iris in his arms, said. I nodded and he looked somewhat baffled. "Why?"

"We can't expect things to get better if we don't look past people's flaws. I've given Iris many chances and in my eyes, she's proven she could change. Granted, it will be hard to forgive Niall, and I'm still extremely pissed off, but he's my mate. I can't not forgive him," I emphasized not and shook off my anger.

"Well that's stupid," Zayn mumbled and I looked at him sternly.

"You forgave Iris, correct?" I asked and Zayn nodded his head. "Why?"

"Because she showed us that she could be a different person, and that she wasn't all bad. And we love her," Louis answered for Zayn, Harry and Zayn all nodded in agreement.

"Then why couldn't you forgive Niall?" I asked, even if I was mad with Niall, I would still defend him until I died.

"Because, Iris never lied about it," Harry said in a matter-of-fact tone of voice and I was about to slap him for making me angry, but that would be wrong and I wasn't going to hurt him for being annoying.

"I realize that. But staying mad at Niall isn't going to stop the Daemons," I almost yelled and stood with clenched fist.

"We wouldn't be in this mess with the Daemons if it was for Niall," Zayn scoffed and tightened his grip on Iris. She snuggled closer to his chest and I could see his eyes flash purple as she did so. It warmed my heart she was becoming closer to Zayn again.

"It's his fault," Louis emphasized.

"Well playing the blame game isn't going to stop them either. If we want them to stop we will have to kill them and you all know that," I shuddered at the thought of killing people. "I know in my heart Niall hated who he was. He just wanted your guys' approval. An I know it will be hard to look past how he lied, but we all know Niall is a great alpha. Just please, I can feel his pain, and fear that you guys won't forgive him. You're all the family he has left," I walked up the remaining steps, I didn't feel like dealing with the stubborn boys. They would forgive Niall, it would just take time.

Iris on the other hand, will probably never forgive him. He yelled at her for being a killer when he was the same, just the thought made me mad. I was stuck in the middle of a tiny battle between them. It kills me knowing Niall hurt iris, an it kills me knowing that Iris hates him. I just can't win.

I went back to where Niall was before but he wasn't there. I left the living room and walked the steps that led upstairs.

"Niall?" I said and heard nothing. Where the fuck was he. I couldn't hear him, and I couldn't smell him. The only scent there was, was faint. "NIALL!" I yelled and went into our room.

As I walked into our room something on the bed caught my eyes. It was a torn piece of paper and I had a gut feeling that I knew it was a goodbye letter.

He couldn't leave, he wouldn't leave me. I was his mate. My hands were shaking as I opened the folded ripped paper. Niall's handwriting was rushed and sloppy an I could tell he was in a hurry.

'Im sorry I hurt everyone, I didn't want you to find out. I'll fix this, I promise princess. I love you,'bI read the note over and over again, expecting the words to change but they didn't.

I stumbled from our room and wiped the tears from my eyes. Niall of all people would try and fix this, with no help and without telling anyone.

"FUCK," I screamed as I stubbed my toe on one the railing of the banister.

"Rose?" Harry questioned and walked in from outside. I didn't say anything but I handed him the note. I closed my eyes and cried. "Oh my god," Harry muttered and pulled me up from the floor. He shouted for Louis and Zayn to come inside and within moments I heard them walk inside. I didn't look but I knew that Iris was with them, I could smell her and hear her footsteps.

"Rose, what's wrong?" Iris said and grabbed me from Harry an I crumbled in her arms. The boys knew now that I wasn't afraid to show how I was feeling. I wish I could, but I can't. After Louis read the note he handed it to Iris and with one hand she skimmed over the crumpled paper.

She muttered things but I didn't care to listen I was too busy letting my thoughts run wild.

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