Chapter 43

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Never Again: Chapter 43

Iris's POV

I was laying outside, I didn't feel like going inside when we got back, Rose understood and went inside to tell everyone what happened.

I wanted to tell them how much I cared and wanted to protect the pack but I didn't, because I didn't see the point, they didn't love me back, even if Rose said they did I knew they didn't.

Rose was the only one who cared about me, I knew if Zayn could pick anyone to love he would choose someone else, but your wolf tells you who to love and you have to say in it. My wolf chose Zayn, even though she hurt him, she still loved him. We both loved Zayn and his Wolf. But we didn't want his love, because if we fully accepted his love then there was a better chance of us breaking his heart. So we didn't risk it, even thought I had control of my wolf, she was dark, even worse than Aden had ever been. I only know that because I heard Aden tell Niall about how much more dangerous I was, apparently his wolf never wanted to actually hurt others but it didn't know how to deal with his feelings since he was in control and not Aden. But my wolf wanted to cause others pain, and that wasn't normal for wolves like mine. Of course wolves like me caused mass destruction, but they didn't do it on purpose, they were mad because they didn't know what to do with their feelings. So they lashed out at others, but always regretted it. That was the difference between my wolf and the other dangerous wolves. My wolf wanted blood, the others wanted clarity.

Aden's coat was completely tan now except for a little dark brown on his ears, his wolf was overall good now that Aden completely controlled his wolf. I was happy for him because his wolf didn't fight for control like mine did. My coat seemed to be getting darker, the more people I Hurt the darker it got. I still was controlling her, but she fought for control when she wanted to cause others pain.

I sat outside for a good hour and a half. No one bothered to check up on me like usual. I knew they were probably talking to Rose about what had happened and trying to figure out what we were capable of. I didn't care though, I just didn't care about much of anything anymore. No one understood how upset I actually was. I murdered my best friend and was out of control, so I left so that I could be better and come back to my pack, but in return they practically ignored me and my feelings.

I was still in wolf form, so I turned human. I needed to do something before I broke down. But the only thing that I really needed to do was to go through Liam's stuff. I sighed and walked up the porch steps. I went inside and everyone's eyes were on me, I was beyond pissed with them for not checking up on me, rose was the only one that ever cared anymore, so I was never mad at her. She made me feel loved, but the others were distant and as much as I loved them I was am at them. They were killing me and they didn't even know it. I walked upstairs completely avoiding their eyes.

I went to my room first, which wad right by liam's room and then i through some clothes on. I opened Liam's door, his room was packed with boxes. I took a deep breathe and began getting rid of some of hos stuff and keeping the important stuff.

I managed to through away 3 boxes worth of his stuff, and I would have been okay if I didn't open the box full of his pictures. The first one I saw broke my heart. It was of me and him, I was on his back and he was giving me a piggyback ride. It was the day I first moved in with him and his family. You would think I would be sad about loosing my parents, but when I lost them I gained a new pair, plus a brother. We were both laughing and smiling so brightly in this picture. His smile was so bright and friendly, I could feel the tears swell in my eyes and I took the picture out. I don't bother going through the other ones, I closed the box and took it down stairs. The fire was blazing in the livingroom's fire place. Everyone's gaze was on me but I ignored them. I opened the box and started to through his pictures in the fire.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Niall screamed jumping up grabbing my arm. I had a mini heart attack and accidentally broke his arm, trying to get out of his touch. He screamed in pain, and I spun around to face him.

"Shit I'm sorry, Niall please don't sneak up on me," I mumbled then turned around and continued to burn Liam's pictures.

"STOP! Why are you burning Liam's pictures," he growled. But I ignored him, he tried to grab the box with his good arm as the other one healed. I quickly blocked him and growled.

"WE LOVED HIM TOO!! YOU DON'T OWN HIS THINGS WHY ARE YOU BURNING HIS PICTURES?!" Louis shouted, I knew all of them loved liam, who wouldn't love him. But I ignored them and and continued.

"JUST BECAUSE YOU KILLED HIM ! DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN GET RID OF THE MEMORIES OF HIM TOO!" Harry growled. They were all too close and I was going to punch them all in the face if they didn't back off. I wish they would realise the the memories were all of me and Liam. That is all his pictures were. They were just Liam and I doing goofy things, they were only mine and Liam's memory, I didn't want to share them. I remembered when all of these pictures were taken, and I didn't need to be reminded that we weren't going to make anymore memories.

Someone tried to take the box from me and I screamed bloody murder making them jump away from it in shock.

"How about you guys go back to ignoring me so I can burn these fucking photos!" I roared and I dumped the remaining photos in the fire. Then before they could do anything I went upstairs and brought the boxes down. Then I threw everything that I was getting rid of in the fire. Niall, and louis then got up to stop me.

"Leave her alone," Rose growled protectively, and then she began helping me. It was hard to mask my emotions, I hated this. So I went upstairs and I grabbed the things I was keeping like a few of his clothes, the picture of us, and his favorite blanket that he loved dearly. Then I went back to my room and hid them under my bed. His room was completely empty, and down stairs I could hear Rose explaining why I was burning his stuff. She knew that I didn't feel like sharing the memories.

I stripped down to nothing and went down stairs and went outside. Everyone was already outside, and they looked at me confused.

"I do love you all very much, yeah maybe I don't show it a lot but you all need to understand that I would lay down my life for you guys. Yeah I'm scary, I'm mean, but that's who I am, so I'm sorry that you guys don't like me. Don't try and deny it because I can feel that you hate me, it is easy because you guys are mostly made of water and i can feel how you feel towards me by connecting to the water. so i can see how much you guys are scared of me, so I'm sorry but it isn't going to get better," I said and then I turned into wolf and stretched out In the sun.

And I listened to everyone talk about a plan. Now that Rose and I are practically better than everyone else when we are together, we can conquer the rivals, that is if we don't choose to join them.

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