Chapter 26

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Never Again: Chapter 26

Rose's POV

"Get Zayn inside now!" Niall yelled and Harry and Louis rushed to pick him up. Zayn was mumbling words I couldn't understand. I grew scared, so scared. How were we supposed to save him. Niall said that Iris's bite was full of venom, and she just but Zayn. This isn't what she wanted, I know she doesn't want to be evil or destruction.

"Set him down on the couch," I ordered, they obeyed without saying anything. "Go get me water," Harry left the living room to get the water.

"What are you planning on doing?" Liam asked quietly, eyeing the soon to be dead Zayn on the couch.

"I-I don't know, hand me the book," I stuttered. Louis handed me the book of werewolf secrets and I opened it to a chapter on healing.

I don't know what I'm doing. I'm going to kill him if I don't do something, I thought. This can't be happening.

"Rose, deep breaths it will be okay," Louis said from beside me. He must've heard my thoughts.

"See if you can read Zayn's thoughts," I said as I skimmed the page for anything to help.

"He's not thinking anything," Louis mumbled and kept looking at Zayn curiously.

"Rose, here," Harry handed me a bowl of water and I took it. I placed it on the table.

"It says here you can only extract the venom, then, you have to put the extracted venom in a jar and burn it," I said as I read over the page twice to be sure.

"How do we do that? We need to hurry, he's slipping in and out of his head that's why I can't read his thoughts," Louis asked frantically.

"Ok let me try something," I mumbled and tried to use my talent. I focused on the water, and within seconds a tiny whirlpool formed in the bowl. The air carried the water out of the bowl as it swirled around in the air. "Please stay back," I whispered. The boys all took two step back, but Niall, who had been quiet the entire time sat next to me.

The air and water formed a spring like structure. I made the water and air hover over Zayn's wound, which was getting worse. It was black around the edges and could see his veins trying to explode underneath his skin. The venom of Iris's bite was spreading through his body, and fast. The swirl or air and water finally made contact with his skin.

Zayn's neck twitched, and the clear water began to become blackish. It took all my concentration as my hands tried to control the air that was carrying the water and venom. I could see the black venom being extracted. Zayn's veins were becoming harder to see, and the area around the bite was turning to his normal skin color. I smiled as I focused on getting the rest out.

"Get me the jar," I said an Louis listened and opened the jar Niall had retrieved. The air and venom separated as I pulled my hands apart trying to get the venom in the jar. Soon the jar had an inch of thick black ooze at the bottom.

"What about his chest, he's got claw marks there and they are healing," Harry said frantically.

"One problem at a time please Harry," I said and bandaged Zayn's shoulder with gauze. "Lets see," I mumbled once I was finished with his bandages. I skimmed over the book and, finally finding what I was looking for. "It says here that that should heal on it's own. Her bite is what contains the venom, not her claws. Just hand me some more gauze and I'll clean it up,"

Louis handed me the gauze and I taped it to his chest and torso. I proceeded to clean the blood off his chest so he didn't look so beat up.

"He says he's sorry for saying your a fuck up, and he says thank you Rose," Louis said, smiling. I smiled too. Even if Zayn made mistakes, his heart was in the right place at the end I the day. He just wanted Iris to love him.

"Well I forgive you Zayn," I said and kissed his cheek. "Take him upstairs to his room so he can rest, and mind his wounds." Louis and Harry nodded, carrying Zayn's limp body up the steps.

Although I took care of Zayn, I knew the night wasn't over. We still had to get Iris. She doesn't know how dangerous she and her wolf are. She could hurt helpless people, or herself.

"I'm going to find Iris," Liam said as he walked to the door.

"What no you aren't," Niall scoffed and stood up from his place on the couch. He was still completely naked, and I could tell that made Liam uncomfortable.

"Yes I am," Liam said stubbornly.

"You don't know what's he's capable of. Even if you were best friends, she won't care and she will hurt you. That's why I'm going to find her," Niall said again and walked over to where Liam was. "Now take a seat," he hissed and Liam obeyed.

"Listen Liam, I know you love Iris, and seeing her like this is tough. But you have to understand she isn't what attacked Zayn, her wolf did. She would attack you too. That's why you have to stay. You aren't strong enough, and haven't been a wolf for that long," I said, I was kneeling in front I him on the couch.

Being an alpha hasn't really changed my perspective on what's important. It made me more aware of how much I really do care for this pack, my pack. That's why it's so important to me to get Iris back.

"Just don't hurt her," Liam mumbled as his eyes turned a deep blue.

"I would never," I smiled and kissed his forehead. Niall growled from jealousy from beside the door. "Oh come on Niall," I rolled my eyes at him and made him smile.

"You can't come," he said sternly.

"Pretty sure I'm alpha too. So I have a right to help also, plus you can't boss me around," I grinned and took off my shirt so I was in my bra.

"What the fuck, put your shirt on!" Niall's face looked angry, but his eyes said differently.

"I like this shirt so I don't want to go wolf and have it ruined,"

"You're impossible," he laughed. We walked out the front door, Harry and Louis had told us good luck before we went. We will be ok, I said to myself. We will get Iris, and we will calm her down so she doesn't hurt anyone. We had to.

I began to become excited. Fear and every other emotion was replaced by adrenaline. I howled, surprising myself. I took off my bra and pants an felt myself shift. Bones breaking and snapping, I felt like I was exploding.

"Rose? Can you hear me?" Niall said, he was still in his human form. "This is your first time shifting, how do you feel?"

I howled and pranced over to him. I licked his face with my massive tongue.

"So I take it you like it," he asked again. I howled in approval and stepped off I him. He shook off the dirt from his skin and began to transform. He was truly magnificent. Though the sounds of bones breaking and skin tearing doesn't normally seem incredible, but he was.

His wolf was grayish and white, gray on the top, white covered his logs and stomach. I wondered what I looked like. I glanced in the window on the porch. I was completely white, pure white almost.

It felt weird seeing myself like that, really weird. But it was amazing. I howled as Niall trotted over and sat next to me. I stood up and rubbed my head against his neck. I wanted him to know I was still in control and that he shouldn't worry. I looked at his eyes, they were the same ice blue color as when he was human.

I whimpered because I knew that we should hurry up and go find Iris. He nodded his head and we turned away and trotted into the woods, following Iris' scent. We trotted, then picked up speed.

Running as a wolf was incredible. My wolf liked it, though she wasn't eager to find Iris and her wolf. I made my legs go faster and out ran Niall so I was in the lead. I really hope we we're too late.

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