Chapter 34

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Never Again: Chapter 34

Rose's POV

"It's time to go," I choked, my voice was hoarse from crying. I couldn't be here anymore. I needed to be back in the middle of nowhere. I needed to forget this ever happened. But I know that those things were never going to happen.

"Take Iris away," I demanded from the boy who told me his name was Aden. He nodded. "I don't want her to see the boys burying Liam."

"Ok," Aden said, forcing Iris to move from her place. She was screaming an kicking, but she quickly stopped and just gave up. He took her in the direction of the house an I felt bad, she probably would never forgive herself. But then again I didn't feel bad, she deserved all the self hate, she was the one who took him away.

"Hurry up," I said to the boys, they nodded and I looked away. I couldn't watch them bury Liam, I just couldn't. I heard the shovel break the ground and I cringed. Small sobs escaped my lips and I couldn't fight the tears anymore. I've cried more today than in my whole life and it's horrible.

"We're finished," Louis said after awhile of crying and I heard his voice tremble. The shovel hit the ground and I turned to face where they buried him. He was under a tree, for the rest of forever.

It pained me knowing he wouldn't be a father, he would've been a fantastic father. More tears fell from my eyes and I wiped them away quickly. I then picked wild flowers from the edge of the clearing, laying them against the mound of dirt. I smoothed the ground over his grave and laid more flowers down. The mound of dirt covering his body was dark and dirty, the flowers made it brighter like Liam. He was like sunshine, but now the he'll never see the sunshine again.

I flinched as Niall pulled me away from his grave. I was hyperventilating, I hadn't even noticed. The boys all paid their respects in different ways.

"Let me say something to Iris," I said as Niall carried me away. He shook his head no and I wanted to slap him for not letting me. "Please Niall," my voice broke and his sad eyes met mine. He sighed and we turned around, heading towards the house.

We walked inside without invitation and navigated to Iris's room. I could hear her sobbing from all the way outside and I knew she didn't mean to kill Liam. Niall waited outside her door while I stepped inside.

"Iris, I want you to come back. But only when you try and control yourself. I can't imagine what it feels like to loose Liam, seeing as you've known him longer. I've only known him for a few weeks, but I will miss him as much as you. I love Liam. Just come back when you're ready ok?" I blurted out, I didn't want her to say anything it tell me to leave. She sat, tears streaming down her face.

"What if I don't want to come back!" She barked and I cringed at her anger towards me.

"What if I don't want loose you like I lost Liam!" I said, heat rising to my cheeks as I flushed with anger. "Just come back. Come back for me and Zayn and the boys. We all love you so much we can't loose you too,"

"You don't love me," she muttered though her tears.

"Would we be here if we didn't love you? No, we wouldn't," I spat and she sat against her headboard.

"I'll try and come back," she muttered and I felt a sense of relief wash over me.

"Good, be safe. Love you," I said and left the room. She continued to cry as we left, even when Niall and I were outside we could hear her.

After a long time of walking, and running, we were finally back at the creepy mansion I've come to love. It's creepy was over shadowed now by the warmth I felt there. I wish Iris would come home now. The big house seemed even more empty as two of our former pack mates weren't here. I didn't bother talking to the boys as they filed into the living room.

I went upstairs and showered, it was much needed. I took all the time in the world, scrubbing my arms and hands. I still felt dirty. I was in the shower for an hour and a half. Then wrapped myself in a towel. It was 2 in the morning, I didn't want to put on clothes so I laid in my bed naked.

The tears came back and I felt so alone.

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