Chapter 67

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Never Again: Chapter 67

Iris's POV

It was midnight at the moment, and all hunters and wolves were surround by the giant fire we had. Harry and Louis left a long time ago to buy beers. I was sitting quietly by the fire, like really close, and I was in wolf form so that I didn't have to deal with people. I liked the fire warming my bones.

Finally Harry and Louis came back, but they had a girl, she was human, and a stranger. She had blonde hair and brown eyes. She looked nice, but my wolf didn't like her. But then again, my wolf hates everyone who breathes air.

"Hey everyone this is Jessica but she goes by Jessie, she is 19 and just got in town, so I invited her to our bonfire." Louis announced.

"Um Louis what the hell is that," she pointed to me, and Louis glared at me.

"That's um my dog" Louis lied.

"Louis it is huge," she announced and walked over to me. If she touches me I'm going to eat her.

"She's mixed with a bunch of breeds, that's why she is so big," he lied again and walked over to me with her.

"Hi Jessie," Blake said sticking his hand out to her. She shook it and then started to stroke my head. Louis was going to get punched for that.

"She likes it when you stroke her ears," Louis said amused. And so she did just that. I looked over to Rose and she was studying the human intently. Niall waved to Jessie, and everyone seemed to not really care that she was petting me. I was going to bite her but then Louis would hate me. She was his mate, I could feel it.

Rose didn't seem to happy, since the whole bonfire was to bond and talk about our selves. But now we couldn't because of the stupid human. Louis bent down and hugged my bear sized head.

"Be nice," he whispered so low, that I almost didn't catch it.

I only rolled my eyes and wagged my tail like a dog. And that made Louis smile. Stupid me and being nice.

After an hour of talking and drinking I knew a lot about Jessica. She was 19, single, ran away from home, came from Ohio, and doesn't know anyone here besides us. Louis was so fascinated by Jessica that he wasn't paying intention to the fight that was starting between a drunken Niall and Blake.

"No you always have been jealous of me," screamed Blake.

"Please your the only one who is jealous! You want to fuck Rose and your mad that I'm the only one who can," Niall bellowed.

"HAHA I BET YOU THINK SHE ENJOYS IT TOO, BUT I BET SHE WISHES I WAS THE ONE MAKING LOVE TO HER!" Blake mocked and that made something snap in Niall. I growled as I felt their anger, but it was too late to take it away. Niall turned wolf and that caused Jessie to scream. She looked from me to Niall making the big dog connection.

Niall suddenly fell backwards landing on me, I growled and shoved him off of me. Blake had a knife in his hand and he kept lunging for Niall. But he jumped away and landed on Jessica. She had been stumbling around trying to get away from the fight but it was too late. Niall went to bite Blake but Blake wasn't there because Rose tackled him to the ground. Everyone else was watching, as Niall accidentally bit Jessie. I roared with anger and so did the rest of the pack, even of it was an accident he shouldn't have even been fighting with Blake, HE'S ALPHA. I jumped up and bit down on Niall's neck, making him drop Jessie's shoulder. She past out so that means she was already in transition.

"DAMMIT NIALL! OUR PACK ALREADY SUCKS!! YOU FUCKING IDIOT! YOUR AN ALPHA YOUR SUPPOSE TO BEHAVE LIKE ONE!! UGH ANOTHER FUCKING PACK MEMBER I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" I screamed at him when I turned human. Then Niall turned human, and he looked ashamed, drunk, and in pain from my bite, Rose would have to heal him.

I couldn't deal with all the drama, so I just walked away throwing my arms up in the air. "Deal with this shit yourselves," I screamed and left.

After a while of walking I sat down in the grass, that's when I realised that Zayn had followed me.

"Sorry I didn't know you followed me," I smiled lightly. I hope he wasn't disgusted with me, for what I did to Ronnie, and for yelling at Niall, my anger gets the best of me sometimes.

"I kinda figured, you know I'm not mad at you right?" He said smiling with his bright chocolate eyes. Even though it was midnight I could see every inch of his perfect face.

"Zayn I'm sorry that your stuck with me, I know if you could choose your mate, you wouldn't pick me, you would pick a nicer, prettier girl with pretty blonde hair, and who loves you and deserves your love. You would pick someone who was kind and had a pretty smile that never left her face, and you both would be happy, and you would both settle down and start a family, without even thinking of the crazy depressed girl known as me."" I said looking at my hands.

"And why would you say that" Zayn asked, concern filled his voice.

"Because deep down I know you would have never noticed me, you would have been to happy with the girl you picked to be your mate, to even acknowledge my existence," I said.

"But I didn't pick so don't worry about it, it could have been you still, if I got to pick my mate," he said smiling. But I already knew that he was wrong. I would be invisible to him if the choice was his. Deep down I wish I was his choice but I knew I never would be. I sighed when he wrapped me in his arms. I loved Zayn, I did, and it killed me to think about how he would be happy with someone else. I just wish he could see my love for him I have, but like me, it is invisible, and he probably will never know how much I love him.

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