Chapter 86

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Never Again: Chapter 86

Rose's POV

I laid, sweating, against the cool kitchen floor. My body was shaking as beads of sweat blurred my vision. I screamed again when I felt the wave of pain shoot through my body.

"What's happening?" Harry yelled and looked at Louis.

I let Louis read my mind since I couldn't speak because of the pain.


"It has something to do with Iris," Louis began and stared at me wanting to know more, but I was as clueless as him. Louis and Harry sat down on the floor beside me, each one holding one of my hands. Another wave of pain hit and I squeezed their hands.

"Quite the grip," Harry's hushed voice said as he pushed back my sweaty hair. "Louis where the hell is Niall anyway?" Harry asked and I writhed in pain again.

How could Iris go though this, this is awful. My wolf whined and howled which gave me a splitting head ache, as well as the pain that made my muscles feel like they were being shredded.

"He took Liam into the basement, he wants to know how the fuck he came back." Louis answered Harry, Harry looked down at me and frowned.

"She's in a lot of pain," Harry said. His bright green eyes locked with mine. "How come her eyes have stayed red?"

"I don't know, but I heard their fight last night." Louis weakly smiled at me. I screamed in pain and ignored his comment about Niall and I fighting.

"I did too." Harry said in his hushed tone again. He grabbed each of my shoulders and held me in his arms. The boys didn't say anything after that. By now I was crying, the pain I was in was unbearable. I felt like I was being crushed with a ton if bricks.

After about five minutes of complete physical and mental pain, my body felt like it was becoming normal again. The pain was gone, as well as the howls and screeches from my wolf.

"Is it over?" Louis asked as he studied me with a raised brow.

"I think so," I mumbled and tried to sit up without Harry. I wobbled to my feet and Louis and Harry helped me to the living room so I could sit. "Thank you." I whispered, my head was reeling from the pain I was just in.

I looked at Harry and Louis, their eyes tormented with different emotions. I know Harry could feel the pain I was in, that wasn't fair. I know Louis' head hurt because I was shouting and my wolf was screeching in my mind, but I didn't have the strength to block him from my thoughts.

I've never appreciated how much they both care about me. They've always been there for me, and I haven't been giving them the time of day these past few weeks.

"Listen, Harry , Louis, I never formally apologized for leaving," I mumbled and watched as they watched me. "I didn't know how much you guys needed me and I'm sorry for leaving. I know you guys said you forgave me but I understand if you actually don't." I rubbed my throbbing head with my hands as I waited for them to respond.

"We just never understood why you would leave in such a fragile time," Harry said, looking at Louis for reassurance and Louis nodded.

"My wolf wanted to go," I almost whispered, I was ashamed of what I did. I really was, leaving them was an awful choice.

"It's ok, you're here now. So lets just focus on the future and move forward." Louis said, smiling the weakest smile I think I've ever seen. My wolf whined and I jumped on to Louis and hugged him. "Hey love, it's ok." He cooed and hugged me back.

I hugged Louis tighter, I was almost afraid he would break and shatter if I hugged him any harder. I finally let go, and placed my hands on each if his shoulders.

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