Chapter 50

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Never Again: Chapter 50

Iris's POV

"Stupid mother fucking, pathetic, bitchy Niall!" I mumbled over and over as Rose sobbed in my arms. I tried to keep my wolf down, but she was mad at Niall, she thought he was being selfish. If he loved Rose then why would he go off to get him self killed.

"Okay that's enough, we need to go find stupid ass Niall," I declared lifting Rose up trying to comfort her. But I knew my words were not comforting at all.

I turned wolf form and ran outside, Rose turned too and we raced after Niall's scent. The rest of the boys followed us. And as we ran my mind was going crazy. Everyday it was getting harder to mask my emotions, each day I was cracking, more and more I was losing control, and so was my Wolf. We were losing and I was tired, so very tired of trying to stay strong.

I was following Rose as we gained speed, she knew Niall's scent best and it was easier on me to just let her lead. The closer we got we could smell blood and we could hear fighting.

"Shit," I screamed in my head, and Rose and I took off faster.

We came to a clearing, and Niall was on his back, and three wolves were clawing him, both of the alphas were watching it wolf form, again they had blood running down their grey coats. Rose tackled the wolves and they immediately retreated to their alpha's side. Rose turned human and bent down by Niall's body, he was still breathing but I could feel him dying. It reminded me of Aden and my wolf growled viciously at the alpha's and the three betas. I guess they left the rest of the pack behind, which was perfectly fine by me.

I growled and walked towards them, suddenly they smiled at me, and I stopped moving. They were expecting this?

"Iris," a cold voice said in my head making me jump.

"Are you scared?" said a feminine voice. I cocked my head to the side.

"Yes we can talk to you because your dark like us. You were made for our pack. That's how we can talk to you," the cold voice said.

I growled realising that it was the alphas. I could feel the presence of the rest of my pack, they were too busy with Niall to care for me. I took another step and one of the beta's charged at me but I snapped his neck, by biting down on his head and twisting. My eyes were flashing with emotions, but then landed on red, I growled viciously again and stepped forward again.

They looked scared, as I blocked the communication line. The female alpha looked confident and stepped forward. The male alpha, who's name was apparently Jace, growled uncomfortably. We were further away from my pack, so it was me against them. I wanted to kill them so bad.

The female wagged her tail at her mate as if to say that she was fine,

as she stepped closer to me. I growled and I tackled her to the ground. I bit her side and she howled in pain, her mate tackled me off of her, he scratched, and bit me repeatedly. But I just snapped at his face, I finally got my feet underneath him and through him against a tree. He jumped back up and I was going to go after him, but the two other betas tackled me down. Jace helped his mate up, but she was in pain, she was dying from my bite. The two beta's scratched me, but I just made their necks break with my mind. And they fell to the ground dead.

I looked back at Niall, and the pack was completely oblivious to what just had happened. Rose was trying to heal Niall, and the guys were trying to help her. I sighed and limped over to their frantic talking. They didn't realise me, but that was okay, Jace's bite would heal.

I didn't feel it was necessary to tell them that I fought the two alphas, I just laid on the ground, trying to heal my self. I eventually just fell asleep.

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