Chapter 30

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Never Again: Chapter 29

Rose's POV

I was pacing the living room as the boys all told me to calm down. I grasped my head to rubbed my temples, to relieve my stress and my headache. My stomach was in knots as well. This day just couldn't get any worse.

"Rose calm down," Niall soothed and that made it worse. I was trying my hardest not to let my wolf out, but he was making me seethe with anger.

"Don't you tell me to fucking calm down," I barked and the boys took a step away from me.

"Your eyes are red," Harry stated and I let out a groan of frustration. Of course they were red, I was angry. Niall banned Iris, and I didn't even get a say. I should've gotten a damn say, I'm alpha too.

"Well I'm pissed off, dip shit," I screamed again, and they stepped back once more. Niall still stood relatively close to me. His arms against his chest, his breathing was frustrated and I could tell I was upsetting him.

"I had to Rose, she was dangerous," Niall whispered and wrapped his arms around my waist. I pushed him off. "Ouch," Niall mumbled and grabbed his wounds. I let out a sigh, I hurt him.

"Niall, you didn't even talk with me about it,"

"That's because I was just awoken from the dead. You could say I was cranky," Niall cracked a half smile. I looked away, I didn't want to smile at him. I was mad, yet whenever Niall smiled my anger washed away.

I stayed silent, keeping my eyes on the floor. I pulled from Niall's arms and walked over to the kitchen to be by myself.

My skin felt like it was crawling. I was scared Iris was going to get hurt, or worse. She could be killed, and it would be my fault. I shouldn't have brought her to the damned party.

I needed to find her, I had to. I crept from the kitchen and to the front door. She left hours ago, but I could still smell her scent. It was dark, and a full moon, yet it didn't seem to affect me as much as I thought. I know that it should make me feel different, but I just didn't. I needed to find her though, and bring her back where she belongs.

"Rose, whatever is going on in that little pretty head of yours better stop right now because you could get hurt," Niall's voice startled me, making me jump. He didn't even make a sound, damn werewolf skills. I wish I heard him, but my mind was other places. "You can't go out on a full moon, it dangerous. I don't want you to get hurt,"

"And I don't want Iris to get hurt or hurt someone,"

"I know you're scared but," I cut Niall off before he could say anything else.

"Listen Niall I'm unbelievably pissed at you right now," I said raising my voice. "You didn't even talk to me about banning her! Now she's at risk, and everyone around her is at risk," I felt tears well into my eyes as I thought of Iris hurting someone. She couldn't, but it wasn't her doing it. It was her wolf.

"Baby don't cry," Niall cooed and wrapped me in a hug, I didn't protest. He felt like too much comfort to just push away. He was safe, and I love him.

"You hurt Zayn by doing that too," I mumbled against his bandaged chest.

"I know," he whispered an kissed the crown of my head.

This is pathetic. I can't stay mad at Niall to save my life, it's like he's a drug for me. I couldn't bring myself from his warm body though.

"How about tomorrow we will go out and look for her ok?" Niall asked and I smiled up at him.

"Are you giving her a second chance then?" I asked, wrapping him in an embrace and squeezing softly, minding his cuts and bite wound.

"I guess, but she has to work hard to not have anymore break downs or try and hurt people,"

"Don't worry I'll be there to protect you babe," I said with a smirk, Niall wanted to protect me. Not vice versa.

"Rose, don't patronize me. I wasn't going to hurt Iris," Niall said coldly.

"Oh but babe, I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I really just want to keep you safe,"

"Rose, quit."

"Why does it make you so angry for me to say stuff like that?" I quickly defended and took a step away from Niall. I kept out hands intertwined as I laid my back against the front door.

"Because I don't want you to protect me. I want to protect you, that's how it goes,"

"You're so moody and over protective sometimes," I groaned and placed my non-bandaged hand on his cheek.

"You make me frustrated sometimes," Niall admitted. He closed his eyes as he leaned into my touch.

"What, why?" I asked, knitting my eyebrows in confusion.

"It's just you confuse me," he let out a sigh of frustration and continued to stand with his eyes closed. "I don't know how to please you sometimes. And here you go patronizing me by saying you could protect me when you know how I feel about protecting you. And you go and make out with me, and lead me on, and then end up telling me to go wank off because you aren't ready for sex. Which is completely fine and your choice I just wish I knew how to please you," he whispered and I nodded. I couldn't get my voice to work.

Wow, I was at a loss for words. That's a rarity for me, but it was true. "Niall, you please me by loving me. I'm sorry," my voice finally working. I looked at my shoes and stared at them. I wish he knew how I felt, how in love I was with him.

"No, please don't apologize. You aren't doing anything wrong, I'm just kind of captivated by you. You always are so nice to anyone, including myself and the rest of the pack. You gave us all a chance, you gave me a chance. You didn't run away from us when we told you who we were. I love you," Niall lifted my chin so I could look at his eyes. They were a beautiful striking purple, with a tint of his normal ice blue eyes.

"You aren't nearly as bad as I thought you were when I first met you," I smiled and leaned my head into his chest.

"You thought I was bad?" He asked, he sounded amused and I nodded. "Why?"

"Well, lets see. You're tattoos, the way you dress, your badass persona, the way you look at people sometimes. Just a lot of things. But I knew that first night you stayed with me, after we watched that movie, you were different and I wanted you all to myself,"

"I knew from your scent I wanted you," he smiled and leaned into kiss me. I closed the distance between us and let him push me against the frame of the door. "I love you," he mumbled against my lips.

I couldn't possibly be mad or unhappy with this boy. Because the second our lips connected my body felt like it was on fire. I couldn't help myself, I want him, all of him. But am I ready for the commitment of sex?

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