Chapter 29

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Never Again: Chapter 29

Iris's POV

I was shaking, I didn't mean to do it, he got me upset. After Rose left with Zayn, we were talking about a plan to attack. Niall asked me if I had ideas, and I said no. Then he went off about how I don't participate in the pack and I knew he was just upset that Rose left him alone, but he continued to scream at me so I attacked him.

He had so much fear in his eyes, but I didn't stop I bit him and then I continued to scratch him until I felt better, but it was too late I couldn't take back what I had done. I only had my self to blame because I was the monster that did it.

Rose was working on a spell or whatever, and Zayn was doing his best to comfort me, it didn't work I could feel his anger towards me. All of their anger was towards me, even Liam was mad at me. I didn't blame them I hurt their alpha and they couldn't do anything to stop me.

I pushed Zayn away from me, I was still sobbing but I couldn't take their cold stares. So I turned and I took off to the door, if Niall woke up then he was gonna band me from the pack, I could see it when I attacked him, he was worried for the pack already, I put them in even more danger if I stay. I whined as I paced in front of the house.

I stayed outside all night, no one came out to check on me, Rose was pobably still tending Niall's wounds and the others didn't want to see me The moon was going to be full tonight, which is apparently bad for werewolves, we are at our strongest during full moons. I was gonna be hell but I don't think anyone else noticed that it was going to be a full moon because they were kinda preoccupied.

After awhile of laying out in the afternoon sun, still by my self. I heard Niall stir, I braced my self for his wrath, the others didn't know what was coming, but I did, I knew rose was going to be hurt the most by it, I didn't blame Niall for what he had to do. If he didn't do it I would end up killing one of his pack members, someone i cared for. I was a monster and a problem in his eyes, i saw this coming from when he first realized what I was.

Niall barged out of the house, everyone looked confused, including Louis. They were all smiling because he was okay, but Rose looked worried, she was glancing from him to me. I stopped pacing and I looked up to my two alphas.

"Iris Woods you are banned from this pack, you are not to go near any of the members, you are a danger to this pack, do not come back," Niall declared. Everyone stood there shocked, but Niall was only looking at me.

"What," Rose asked, almost in tears. Everyone's eyes were surprisingly blue, I knew my eyes were blue too because I was on the verge of tears.

"If you come on my land you will be asking for a fight, do not come on this land unless you want to fight us," Niall said sternly, he was hinting that I should leave.

I nodded my head, and took one last look at my old pack, I wanted to comfort rose who looked like she wanted to scream but fall to the floor crying at the same time. She felt betrayed by niall, she was alpha too so why didn't she get a say. She was glaring at Niall but then her eyes met mine. I wagged my tail slightly, letting her know that I was okay, I stepped forward, only to have Niall growl viciously at me. I growled back, I was saying goodbye to rose if he liked it or not. I turned human so he didn't have a reason to attack me. I walked up to rose and she Hugged me, no one said anything, there was nothing to say. I stepped back, and looked at them all. I was nude but I didn't care anymore.

"Sorry," is all I said, if I apologized for everything in detail than i would be standing here all night. I turned into wolf form and pounded away.

I was alone once again in my life, I had no one. Liam was gone, my parents have been gone, and Rose was gone. I had no one left. I howled loudly letting everyone know that I was near. I knew my old pack could hear me, I also knew that rose was going to raise hell for what Niall did. He didn't even involve her in the decision. I ran further away, until I knew I was no longer in their territory. I decided to look for other packs, I wanted to see the world when I was younger, and now I have the chance todo so. So I ran, and I didn't look back.

A few hours past and I finally arrived at an unfamiliar territory, I knew it had to be a pack of werewolves, but I didn't know which ones, all I knew was that I left my old life far behind me. I knew I ran faster than any other type of transportation, so I was very far away from my old pack, but I didn't really care, because I was a lone wolf now and they abandoned me.

This was a completely different Pack. I slowed down and trotted around in their territory. Finally a girl my age walked up to me, she wasn't a full wolf though so i towered over her. She growled at me but I ignored her I was too curious about their territory to pay her much attention, she couldn't do much to me anyway.

I jumped when I realized that a dark brown wolf and a light grey wolf appeared next to the girl. The dark brown wolf and grey wolf were both males, I froze and just stared at them. The girl looked scared of me so she gave a small smile to the two wolves and walked away leaving me alone with them.

I stared at the two wolves, the gray wolf was completely grey, but it was almost a white, and had normal brown eyes. the dark brown wolf had eyes like me, blood red. I didn't want them to attack me so i turned human so I could talk, they quickly did the same. I looked up at the sky, in an hour or so, the moon would be completely visible, and I would be in trouble.

"Sorry for being on your territory I was only curious," I said nervously.

The once grey wolf had brown hair and brown eyes he looked kind. The brown wolf had black hair with green eyes.

"You just got kicked out of your pack because your like me, didn't you?" the once brown wolf said, I only nodded my head.

"I'm Aden," brown wolf Continued.

"And I'm Nate, the alpha," said the grey wolf.

"I'm iris.... How long have you been ... Um......" I trailed off asking Aden.

"I have been the so called curse for 3 years, I learned to control my wolf, I fully control him, and I come in handy when we attack our enemies because of the venom." Aden said happily. So there was hope for me, I could maybe one day control my wolf.

"Aden is beta," Nate said proudly interrupting my thoughts. I smiled at them, and they smiled back.

"I'm sorry that your pack kicked you out, Aden can teach you to control your wolf, if you stay. we sensed that you were special like Aden as soon as you arrived on our territory." Nate explained. I nodded my head not trusting my voice. I was beyond happy. They were offering me a place to stay. My happiness was interrupted when I realized my wolf was trying to change. The moon was almost at its highest.

"Come with me," Aden said pulling me by my arm. Suddenly the girl from before appeared with clothes in her hands. She handed the boys clothes and then handed me some.

"These are my clothes, they should fit you," she said warmly.

"Thanks," I said taking them from her and quickly getting dressed.

"My names Chelsea," she said brightly, even though she seemed nice even though she growled at me like 15 minutes ago.

"I'm Iris," I said as Aden dragged me along. She nodded and then left leaving me alone with the alpha and beta.

We stopped walking when we reached a cellar, it was still in their territory but it was hidden.

"This is where we have to stay tonight, it is always harder to control your wolf on full moons. So the alpha locks us up here," Aden explained as he took off he clothes. I did the same and then we walked into the cellar was just a giant cage, The metal was much thicker than the cage I was put in last time.

"What if we bite each other," I asked.

"I'm not sure, your the first one I met that was like me." Aden said. Oh fantastic we were going to kill each other.

I released my wolf when I couldn't fight her anymore, and Aden did the same. I had no control of my wolf at all, and from the looks of it either did Aden. Our wolves seemed to get along, which was good. The mostly just played around, and jumped on each other. I surprisingly liked it here, Aden could teach me to control my wolf so no one gets hurt.

My wolf suddenly rammed the cage. Oh shit not again. Aden's wolf joined her. They wanted out, but we couldn't stop them. Aden was trying to but his wolf was too strong, which worried me. Now there was two of us, with a lot of power, and venom. My wolf howled and Aden's wolf joined her. They were planning on getting out of here. I just prayed that this cage could stand.

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