Chapter 24

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Never Again: Chapter 24

Rose's POV

"Poor Iris," I mumbled as I watched her sprint out the door, I knew it was no use in following after her, she was too fast. Besides, Louis and Zayn already left to find her.

"It'll be alright! Smile Rosie," Harry said, smiling his dimpled grin. He was attractive, they all were. But Harry was cute when he did silly things like this.

"Why'd you call me Rosie?" I asked amused as he pulled the cheeky grin again.

"I dunno, it sounds cute, and you're as cute as a button little Rosie," he smiled again.

"Shut up," I smiled and sat closer to Niall, who had been completely out of it. He head was stuck in that book of werewolf secrets, I wasn't interested in looking so I didn't ask to see it. He didn't even look at Harry or I.

"Niall, what's wrong?" I asked quietly playing with the hem of his shirt.

"What, nothing's wrong. Well beside the whole getting killed by an elite werewolf pack," he rubbed his eyes from tiredness, he hasn't been getting much sleep. Then he weakly smiled down at me, and kissed my forehead lightly.

"Hey do you think there is anything in that book about how Rose's eyes were red when she woke up, and how they were red last week?" Harry asked, shaking Niall and I out of what seemed to be like a trance put over us.

"What, your eyes were red?" Niall beamed and sat up straight so I kind of fell behind his back. I sat up and looked at him as he hastily flipped through the huge book.

"Why, is that good?" I questioned and looked over his hunched shoulders to see the book.

"Yes! That's fantastic!" Niall almost yelled and kept flipping through the book.

"What's it mean mate? I've never seen it before," Harry asked and sat on the floor next to Niall and I.

"Ah here it is!" Niall exclaimed and put his finger under a chapter that read 'Eyes and Their Meanings'. "It says here that red eyes mean that the eyes beholder has immense power and potential. And that they are abnormally strong," Niall smiled up from his book and placed a kiss against my cheek. Then he went back to reading the old and worn page.

"So?" I questioned looking at Niall with confused eyes. I followed his finger as he read silently on what having red eyes meant.

"So, it means you have the potential to be an alpha or even more powerful than that," Niall said, looking at Harry, who was now reading from the book himself. Harry was kneeling reading the upside down book while I sat and watched.

What does that mean? I have potential, potential for what? To be a stronger monster than I already am? I mentally slapped myself for calling Niall and the boys monsters. Monsters hurt people, I would never hurt anyone. I know the other boys wouldn't either. Apart from Zayn, he's just a jealous prick.

"Rose, do you know what this means?" Harry looked at me with wide eyes and I cowered behind Niall. I was anything but strong or powerful. I was a coward.

"No," I croaked, my voice seemed to have left as well as my bravery. I was scared. Why would it have to be me?

"Well, you've got even more powers when your in your true wolf form. That means you can shift, as in completely. Or you can heal wounded humans or animals. Rose this is incredible!" Niall shouted and grabbed my face, kissing my lips, it was quick and out of joy. But it still made my lips catch fire.

"I'm not powerful, I'm a coward. This book is a lie," I pointed to the book and slouched even further into the chair. "I hate being in a wolf form, I don't know if I will be able to control myself," I whimpered and pulled my legs against my chest, resting my head against my knees.

Last week when I found out my power, I was too afraid to go wolf. So I've never actually been a werewolf yet, technically speaking.

"That's the thing, you can control her. Just by being able to control her inside of you is enough to know that you will be able to control yourself when you go wolf," Harry was next to my on the couch now. Pulling at my arms, which were wrapped around my legs.

"Rose, this is so incredible. I knew you were special, I knew you'd be the one. I could smell it from a mile away the day you first came here. You will be this packs alpha with me," Niall made me look at him by pulling my into his lap.

"How are you the alpha, your alpha was Josh?" I looked at both Harry and Niall before it made sense. Niall was Josh's brother, so when Josh died, Niall would take his place. How did I just figure this out?

"I haven't accepted my place as alpha yet, it doesn't seem like the times right," Niall smiled weakly at me.

"Oh, so that means?" I asked, worried I was going to get the answer I expected.

"You're going to be our alpha,"

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