Chapter 51

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Never Again: Chapter 51

Rose's POV

"Ok get Niall upstairs. We'll deal with this tomorrow," I said and rubbed my temples. We would have to deal with Iris tomorrow. She was becoming reckless again. Even if she doesn't like Niall at all, she should respect him, for me. Niall whimpered in pain as the boys put each of his arms around their shoulders and carried him upstairs.

I sat on our counter and thought for a minute. It was nice having time to think, when it was calm. I've had to grow up so much in the past 5 months, Iris and I both.

It was hard, being who I am kind of took away my youth. But in a way, it preserved it as well. I won't age, but I feel like an 80 year old woman with exhaustion. And I feel like a mom of 4 children trying to deal with our pack.

I sighed again and hopped off the counter. I went upstairs and all of the boys were in their rooms sleeping off a long day. Then I walked into our room. Niall was asleep on our bed, his mouth slightly opened as he tried to sleep. His heart rate was slow, and he was peaceful. I knew he was still in pain though, I could feel it in our bond.

I went to the shower and ran cold water. I grabbed a pair of pj shorts and one of Niall's baggy shirts and went to the bathroom. I stayed inside the shower for a long time, thinking. No one was awake so it wasn't difficult to try and get my thoughts in order.

I shut of the water and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body. I dried off and slipped into my pj shorts then I put on Niall's shirt. It smelled like him and in a way that calmed my nerves more than the shower. I smiled as I wrapped my hair in a towel and walked out of the bathroom.

I walked to my side of the bed, which was by a large window, and took the towel off my damp hair. Niall looked like a baby when he slept. His forehead would stop creasing, and his lips would part slightly showing his teeth. I smiled again and pulled back the covers on my side, careful not to wake him.

I laid down, pulling the covers underneath my chin. As I did that Niall's arms came and pulled me against him. I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" Niall asked, half asleep and I laughed again.

"Nothing, you just surprised me," I switched sides so we were both facing each other.

"Oh well I'll surprise you more often because your laugh is my favorite thing in this world," he half smiled through his sleepy state and pulled my closer to his chest. He took a sharp breath when I took my hand and traced his bandages on his arm where Iris had bit him.

"Still hurts?" I asked and he nodded. I sighed and looked at Niall. He didn't say anything but he nodded and closed his eyes tighter. "I'm so sorry babe,"

"It's alright love, I'll be alright. Besides I was literally asking her to bite me. I provoked her and this was the result,"

"Well, I'm just sorry for everything I guess,"

"What do you mean?" Niall asked and met my eye which were already on his.

"Your brother, the Daemons, our pack, Iris. Just a lot of things that seemed to make you stress out. I wish I could do something to take your stress away," I smiled and kissed one of my favorite tattoos on his chest. It was a rose, ironic right, and it was placed right between his collar bone and shoulder. I liked the way it's red and black ink looked against his fair skin.

Maybe I could take the stress off of Niall. We could go somewhere, and swim since it's finally getting somewhat nicer. It's still chilly, but the boys said that it would most likely always be a little chilly and cold.

"Well we could go somewhere? Like a beach or lake," I suggested and the smile on his face was answer enough. "So that's a good idea," I laughed as he childishly shook his head in agreement. "You're such a dork," Niall kissed my nose and nodded in agreement again.

"Yeah but I'm your dork, and you love me,"

"Yes sadly, I do," I faked disappointment.

"Hey what's that supposed to mean," Niall acted like he was hurt and I smiled again.

"Nothing, love. You know I love you for al your dorky quirks," I smiled as he smiled and he kissed my temple. I molded my body against him and suddenly felt a wave if nostalgia.

"I thought you loved me for being a macho man?" Niall asked and I yawned.

"Well yeah I do love your macho man-ness," I said through a yawn and Niall began to rub my back, making me even sleepier.

"Alright. Time for sleep, you sound exhausted," Niall said and pulled the duvet closer to our faces. "Oh and by the way I would love to go to a beach or a lake or something,"

"Great," I smiled and kissed his rose tattoo again. "I love you Niall, goodnight,"

"I love you too princess, sweet dreams,"

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