Chapter 10

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Never Again: Chapter 10

Rose's POV

My heart was beating a mile a minute as Iris and I followed Niall's black jeep to some location try said was a secret. I could tell Niall was embarrassed I found out his werewolf secret, but I couldn't be more thrilled.

Yes, I know. 'Werewolves' shouldn't exist, but why not? They're the same boys just with more hair and heightened senses, I thought to myself. And yes of course, they would be dangerous. All of those horror movies made that very clear. But I couldn't shake the feeling that Niall would keep me safe, whatever the cost.

The way Niall's eyes changed from honey gold, to purple was absolutely amazing. I couldn't get them out of my mind.

"What do you think it means when their eyes change color," I asked suddenly. It was obvious that Iris knew about them before I did, so maybe she knew about the eye thing as well.

"Well, Harry told me that they change for different emotions. Purple for love. Black for anger. Blue for sadness. They look flamed color when they're are, uh, sexually frustrated or horny. And lastly, when they're honey colored or golden it means that the wolf side is emerging." She explained.

"Wow that's incredible," I spoke in awe, remembering how Niall's eyes turned purple as I spoke to him.

"I saw the way Niall's eyes changed, he does care a lot for you," Iris smiled sweetly. She looked nervous, her cheeks were flushed as well. Probably from embarrassment when Niall saw her kiss Zayn.

"I hope so," I barely whispered as we followed Niall's jeep into a long drive way that led into the woods. I wasn't exaggerating when I said it was long, we drove down the spooky road for 10 minutes before he parked his car in front a what looked like a mansion.

"Whoa," Iris said under breath as we stepped out in front if the massive house. It looked like a mini castle, it even had gargoyles and a tower, how much about this town is a secret? I wonder how many people know about his building, or about the boys in general.

There was loud clap of thunder, causing me to jump. I rushed over to Niall, who was just stepping out of his car, and buried my face into his warm jacket. Beast or not, he made me feel safe.

"What's wrong," he asked quietly, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me closer to his chest.

"I don't like storms," I said and heard another clap, and lightning shot across the sky, I whimpered and tried to contain my fear.

"Alright, well it's raining now. We should head inside," Harry spoke, gesturing to the old castle-like building. As we walked inside, the smell of old wood and dust filled my nostrils, causing me to sneeze.

"Bless you," Niall whispered and clasped his hand around mine, leading me into the room where the boys were sitting.

"So, down to business. Isaac, as most of you know, died. Now before you get your knickers in a twist about how wrong it was hear me out," Harry spoke, I wondered why they all came from UK. They all had accents, it was adorable, yet strange because why would they need to come over here?

"Hear you out on what?" I asked.

"Well, lets just say that Isaac Brown was a very bad boy, before you came here Rose there was a murder of one of our own. His name was Josh, he was actually Niall's brother." Niall tensed beside me, I felt compelled to make him feel ok so I put my hand on his leg and squeezed it gently so he would know not to get upset.

"So what you're getting at is, you killed Isaac?" Iris said so faintly I could barely hear her. She was standing behind Niall and I, wrapped in Zayn's protective arms.

"Yes, but, before you freak out, he tried to kill us first!" Louis said defensively. My breath hitched as I found out what I feared most, no matter how I felt about Niall, what he did to Isaac was wrong.

Then again, Isaac killed Josh, I said to myself. Yes I know, but killing is wrong, I was having a mental debate when Harry spoke again.

"He was apart of an elite werewolf group, who kills packs like ours who are small. Normally a pack consists of an alpha an his omegas, but since our alpha, Josh, was killed we've become weak." Harry said, tensing and watching Niall's reaction. Niall kept calm from beside me, but he was ridged.

"He was trying to get to Zayn on Friday, that's why he went upstairs with you Iris. He wanted to catch us off guard and kill us." Louis said.

"But you killed him, so now what?" I asked, I didn't want to know the answer, but I needed it.

"That's what we're trying to figure out. This is all so dangerous, we told Niall and Zayn we couldn't have mortals around. You guys don't heal by yourself, or have fast reflexes, or any of our heightened senses, so you're basically sitting ducks," Harry spoke coldly, I'm beginning to think he's not mine or Iris's biggest fan.

Fear filled my body as I realized how dangerous this could be. Loving a boy who was a creature not of this world. Having him when it could mean losing everything, like life itself. But strangely enough, it was worth the risk. All the danger I was putting myself into would be worth having Niall.

"I'll keep her safe," Niall scoffed, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I cuddled in closer to him as I felt his warmth.

"Yeah just like you kept her safe from that one kid who basically almost raped her, and left her bruised!" Harry yelled, making me cower into Niall even further.

"That's enough Harry!" Louis yelled, I hadn't expected it from him. He always was soft spoken and somewhat quiet. It seemed to me that he was the glue holding their pack together.

"Whatever," Harry scoffed and sat on the couch beside where I was sitting. His eyes flashing from emerald green to black.

"Back to what we were saying, there are people who want to hurt us." Louis spoke with authority.

"But you guys will stay safe, right?" I asked. I glanced back at Iris, snuggling up to Zayn like it was natural to them both. Niall wasn't looking at me, not quiet ignoring me either. He was seething still from Harry's remark about how he couldn't save me. But I didn't feel like that at all, I felt safest when I was with Niall.

"Obviously, we are trying our best to negotiate with these people but they're stubborn and want us to challenge them." Louis spoke again.

"Oh," was all I managed to say before another roar of thunder shook the house.

"Yes, we have to do something about this," Harry finally spoke, his eyes back to their normal emerald color.

"Like what?" Iris asked.

"Like kill them before they kill us,"

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