Chapter 58

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Never Again: Chapter 58

Iris's POV

Right now Rose and I were staring down a hunter, yes a fucking werewolf hunter. His scent was distinguished and he gave me a bad feeling. The other boys were trying to calm us down while we growled viciously at the hunter. We were wolf form, shoulder to shoulder we stood, one bright as day the other dark as night.

"He is on our side Rose," Niall said ignoring me as I circled the intruder. But he watched me with just as much hate. Rose growled and then trotted into the kitchen where she shifted and then got redressed. We had taken our clothes off earlier so they didn't rip to shreds.

"Why the fuck was I not included in the decision!" Rose snapped angrily at Niall even though her eyes were glued to the outsider. He only smiled lightly at her. He obviously trusted her. But don't ask me why, probably because Niall may have explained that I was the one that would murder him with out a second thought and Rose would at least need a reason to kill him.

Something in the way he smiled at Rose made me growl loudly. His smile was pure admiration, did he fancy rose?

"IRIS," Niall yelled when I pushed the trespasser down and laid on him. I didn't want him looking at Rose, she was too innocent to realise someone other than Niall liked her and the others were too stupid to notice the glint and lust in the hunters eye when he looked at Rose

"Get off of me!" The hunter screamed. But I jut snorted, well that was before about 6 other people stormed into the room, all smelling the same way of the hunter that was under me. One held a gun and put it right between my eyes.

"Get off our leader," she warned. She was okay looking, nothing really pretty about her.

I didn't listen I just put more weight on him and yawned. Rose was angry that someone was hurting me, but she wasn't about to charge at someone who had a gun to my head.

"Are you stupid? Listen to her," said a male on the hunters side. He was scrawny, and he looked pale.

I just growled but then the girl cocked the trigger and Rose growled a vicious growl and the guy under me shuddered. I felt the venom start to drip from my muzzle so I moved my head so it wouldn't burn the hunter.

The venom from my mouth fell next to his head, the pack of hunters all stared wide eyes while it burned through the floor. The girl then hit me in the fucking head with the gun. And I never reacted so calm in my life. I jumped up and broke the gun with my paw and then turned human. Very well aware that I was naked.

"Okay let's get a few things straight! First of all, I will rip your throat out if you ever touch me again, second of all, I will never listen to you, I don't even listen to my alphas, so no one can stop me from killing you, and lastly I hate you and if any of you touch my fellow members of the pack I will bite you and let my venom , that is acid, kill you slowly." I said calmly then I strode off towards the kitchen.

I didn't like the leader of the hunters, he liked Rose a little too much. I put my clothes back on and then went back towards the front door. I listened to the conversation that they all were having, not realising that I was ease dropping.

"We are terribly sorry, Iris .... She is a little crazy," Niall said. Rose just grunted, she was still pissed that the girl hit me.

"She is insane!" The girl said, she was the only girl in the hunters gang.

"I promise that she won't hurt you, we will protect you," Niall said warmly at the girl, and I could see Rose stir, she didn't like Niall being nice to the stupid bossy human.

"Well that's a big fat lie," I said, finally walking in.

"We both know that you can't control me," I said, laughing lightly. I sat down by the leader of the pack. He tensed along with the rest of the hunters. "So why are you idiots here," I asked but before they could reply, me and Rose both gasped and I fell off the couch, and Rose grabbed her chest.

Our bond was reconnecting. I guess my wolf felt better. The leader of the hunters actually got up and helped Rose up, Niall then rubbed Rose's back oblivious of the feelings that the hunter had for his mate. I growled and stabbed my claws in the hunters leg and flipped him on the floor. He screamed in pain, and I smiled as he looked at me with agony.

"IRIS!" Niall screamed. And then the hunters all pulled their guns on me. Maybe I should be scared but it amused me how they thought they were strong. Suddenly pain exploded in my leg. I yelped and looked down. The female had shoved a knife in my leg, I knew it had wolfsbane on it.

"An eye for an eye," she smirked and I simply ignored the pain in my leg and scratched her hand.

"I had simply told all of you if you touched them I would hurt you," I growled.

"He was only helping Rose!" Harry yelled, I just started laughing.

"Okay and I'm an angel sent down to heal everyone," I said sarcastically.

I removed my nails from the leader and he quickly got up and limped back to the couch, I was still on the floor. The girl was holding her hand, frowning.

"So why are you dumbasses here," I asked calmly as I removed the knife with wolfspane from my leg. Then I through it in the fire that was burning underneath in the fire place. It was strange, the climate here never got over 60 degrees.

"We are here to help you fight the Daemons!" One of the males said, he sounded annoyed.

"Lose the attitude," I growled. And he just looked down. "Well I had enough wake me up when they leave" I growled and then left ..... Stupid hunters.

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