Chapter 2

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Never Again: Chapter 2

Rose's POV

My new 'rep' around school spread fast. And so did my school week. People were nice, But that just made me uncomfortable. I was shy, why did I have to have that big idea. I don't like this attention.

I've been in detention after school for the whole week. I hate it. But at least it's Thursday, the weekend was close and would be spent sleeping i just know it.

"Hey Rose," a familiar voice sounded from beside me, Niall. "On your way to detention babe?" He questioned. He made my heart flutter when he called me babe.

"Yeah actually," all I seemed to think about lately was Niall. He was constantly on my mind, he invaded my thoughts and I couldn't help it. We would talk during the classes we had together and would 'flirt' I guess but I know he's just doing that. He could never like me.

"Well it's gonna be pretty shitty, sure you don't want to skip with me?" He questioned.

"I know it will but I can't just skip," I said, I don't like getting into trouble. Even if it did make me seem 'cool'.

"Suit yourself," he left my side as I walked into the room labeled detention. Fuck.

"Take your seat and shut up!" A shrill female voice called out. I took my usual seat. Lots of stoners and jocks were here too, eyeing me up.

"Hey babe," a stoner said from beside me.

"Um hi?" I said back. He was gross, long greasy hair, nasty nails. Why couldn't he ignore me?

"Shut up!" The lady from the front of the room said. After 20 minutes she was asleep, and most of the kids that were there were gone. I decided to nap, maybe it would make me forget about Niall.

"I take it you're having fun, yeah?" My head snapped up, meeting Niall's eyes, he was standing over me.

"Yeah I'm having a blast," I said sarcastically.

"The lets get the fuck outta here," Niall laughed but I quickly shushed him so we wouldn't get caught sneaking out.

"That was so shitty," I mumbled. "Definitely being hit on by a gross stoner was the worst part."

"Someone hit on you?" Niall said defensively and I nodded a yes. "Not sure if I like that,"

"What?" I asked and he shook his head. "I like your tattoos," I said, it was meant for only my mind but I accidentally spoke out. Mental face palm.

"Really, most girls think they're scary? Yah know?"

"They're hott," I said again, not thinking. Fuck.

"Well," Niall laughed and it sent chills down my back, and it wasn't from the chilly air outside.

"Um I should get home," I said.

"Could I have a ride, my friends kind of ditched me?" Niall asked once we reached my car. What?

"Oh um sure," I said, this was so awkward.

"Thanks," Niall smile was so beautiful, I couldn't even describe it. He was so nice too, despite the fact that he look all tough and mean.

"No problem," Niall gave me directions to his house and I started my engine.

"So what brings you to the middle of no where?" Niall asked once we were on the main road.

"Well my parents got transferred to this branch in their job, I used to live in New York." It was becoming easier to talk to him.

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