Chapter 74

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Never Again: Chapter 74

Rose's POV

How long have I been gone? I asked myself because because it seems like I had been driving my car for days. I checked the date on my phone, I had been gone for two days.

I've driven through 3 states I had no clue which state I was in. The only time I stopped would be when I would stop for food or at night to sleep. It wasn't doing myself any good. I still felt lost and trapped and like I was being suffocated with problems. My wolf was gone, I hadn't heard from her since yesterday. Yesterday I blocked the bond with my pack.

I kept my eyes on the road and my thoughts on getting better. I constantly felt like I was being bombarded with problems and I was sinking. I hoped my wolf would come back, I knew she wasn't gone, but she just wasn't putting in her two sense about certain subjects.

It was beginning to become dark out, the moon called to me as it illuminated the dark secluded road I was driving on. I put my car in park and stepped out the car. I pulled the sweater closer to my chest as the cool air whipped my dark brown waves around my face.

I climbed on top of the hood of my car, the moon has become my friend in the past two lonely days. My back and head laid against my windshield, my legs were resting right above the engine, which was still warm from running for so long.

I want more than anything to go back to the house and be with my pack, but my wolf was telling me to stay out longer. She was being quiet within me, it was like she wasn't there at all but I felt her stir when I was nervous or got upset about everything.

I looked down and played with the sleeves of my sweater. I pulled them down over my wrist. It was strange but seeing my wrist made me think of Niall's wrist, and the tattoos he had that tattooed every inch of his arms and chest. His rose tattoo that was on his shoulder was by far my favorite, not because of the way it looked but because it was sentimental. Though there was a tattoo that he had on his wrist I was very fond of as well.

It was a barcode tattoo, right below his hand on the inner part of his arm. Underneath it, it had his date of birth and the year he was born. I asked him what it meant once, he said it meant that he was born to be himself. I never understood it, of course he was born to be himself. It was very simple but it still looked good against his fair skin.

I want a tattoo, I said to my wolf. She was silent for a while. Then howled at the idea. I smiled, maybe I'll get it on my wrist. I looked down at my wrist and moved my sweater out of the way. I'll get it on my wrist like Niall's barcode tattoo. I smiled and rubbed my thumb over the area on my wrist. But what should I get?

I thought for a moment, staring at the moon above me. The moon. That's what I will get. I smiled and looked at the time on my phone, it was only about 8:30 p.m. I could get one now, maybe.

I searched for tattoo parlors on my phone and put the closest one in my gps. It was about 15 minutes away so I went into my car and began to drive to the tattoo place.

I drove for about ten minutes, then I reached a small town everything looked barren, quiet. I thought it was nice because I felt too excited for anything else. I was getting a tattoo! I couldn't believe it. I finally made it to the parlor and the lights were on inside. I parked my car an took a deep breath as I approached the parlor.

My sweater wasn't keeping me warm as the chilly air gave me goosebumps. I cursed myself for forgetting my leather jacket back at home, but in my defense I was in a hurry. I came to the front door of the parlor, stepping inside.

There was a man behind the desk, his dark brown hair was cropped short and he had tattoos covering every part of skin that was exposed. He looked up from his paper work as I walked inside, his eyes were green like Harry's, but darker. I walked closer to the desk and a warm smile appeared on his face.

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