Chapter 45

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Never Again: Chapter 45

Iris's POV

I was a wreck, I was going insane, I locked my self in this room for over 4 hours now and all I'm doing is crying and wrecking the room.

My wolf is confused, she always looked for Aden's wolf for comfort, Aden's wolf calmed her, and protected her. We were so connected to Aden's wolf, and that's how we knew he died.

2 days ago, after Rose passed out, i was laying in the sun, then my wolf started going crazy, wanting out and wanting Aden. I could feel our bond crumpling and that's when I screamed and turned into my wolf, then I took off into the woods followed by the pack, except Rose because she was sick, and I'm sure it had to do with Aden. Something was really wrong so I followed his scent, I didn't even realise that he left, I had never ran so fast in my life and when I got to where Aden was the Daemons were retreating.

The alpha saw me and smiled wickedly, he was in his human form, but he was covered in Aden's blood, then he said the words that made my blood run cold. "That was just a little reminder that if you and Rose don't join our pack then you and the other worthless mutts will be destroyed," then he ran off. My wolf didn't chase after them, she was too busy looking at Aden's lifeless body.

I remember her trying to get his wolfs attention, she didn't understand, she looked up to Aden's wolf, I looked up to Aden. She just didn't know why Aden and his wolf had to leave us. She didn't understand that he wasn't coming back. When everyone got to where I was they broke down into tears, the only person who didn't cry was Zayn, he walked over to me and just hugged me. And I cried into his chest.

A pounding at the door caught my attention, they had been trying I get in my room but I was afraid I would hurt them, so I separated my self from them. My wolf was going crazy, she didn't understand, and I tried to explain to her that Aden was gone, but she didn't want to hear it. I paced my room and screamed with frustration.

I finally stopped crying but my wolf was crying inside. Aden's wolf would calm her down, he was still teaching her to be calm and nice. I didn't understand Why they would kill him! I screamed again, I was breaking, I had a million emotions and they were all turning into hate and anger. I lost my two best friends, Rose was the only one left.

I punched the wall and made a hole in it. I didn't care that my hands were bleeding now as I continued to release my anger. It didn't help me thy my wolf was whining and scratching, she was sad and lost.

"DAMMIT YOU STUPID WOLF ADEN IS DEAD THEY KILLED HIM!" I screamed. She only growled in response, she was finally beginning to understand.

I finally opened the door because the people outside it wouldn't Leave me alone. I was met by the packs worried eyes. There eyes were blue, but Rose's were red just like mine. "Yes," I greeted warmly, pretending that nothing had happened. Even though the truth was that I was breaking, they could see right through my fake smile, plus the fact that my door was wide open and they could see my trashed room showed everyone my insanity.

"Iris?" Zayn asked, but I burst into tears. I wrapped my arms around his neck and sobbed into his neck. He kissed the side of my head and pulled me close. My wolf loved Zayn, she had made that clear. But when I was angry, she wanted people to feel her pain, so that's why she would lash out at him. That's why we hurt others, including Zayn.

I loved Zayn I truly did, I always had loved him. But I just didn't want him to get hurt, I didn't want to kill him, I wanted to protect him. But how do you protect someone from yourself?

The best answer I had was to stay away from him. But now I needed him, but it seemed that every one I got close to was dying, either from me or from others. I didn't want that to happen to him, but I needed him close to me, so maybe if I try hard enough I can protect him from the dangers, even though I know he wants to protect me, he cant. He isn't like me, I'm the most dangerous, and if I learn to protect him from my self then all other dangers will be easy. But the first step was letting him in.

I dug my nails into his leather jacket, I breathed in his familiar scent. He had his regular smell of Leather and cigarettes but it didn't necessary stink Like cigarettes would. It was comforting, and I had no other words to describe it.

But because his wolf couldn't be fully reached since he could only be half wolf, and not full wolf. his wolf couldn't comfort mine and so my wolf was still upset and It was painful to feel her like this.

I calmed my sobs and pulled away, I knew my eyes were red because my wolf was equally in control, she was I'm pain, and she wanted to cause pain, just not to Rose. I pulled away from Zayn, my eyes were yellow because I was getting ready to change to wolf. Zayn kissed the side of my head and backed away. Louis and Harry also backed up and gave me half smiles but they were obviously scared. I could hear the water pipes screech, they had been doing that all day, it was also storming because of Niall, Rose had the wind going crazy but I had the rain beating down at the house rattling the roof.

Niall was behind Rose, he was also scared. But I didn't really care, I turned into wolf and ran outside in the storm.

"IRIS?!" Rose called running beside me in wolf form.

"Yes," I asked, as I continued to run.

"Where are you going?" Rose asked.

"To get revenge," I growled and she followed.

They would pay for what they did.

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