Chapter 13

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Never Again: Chapter 13

Iris's POV

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN," Liam roared when I walked into the house.

"Out,"I mumbled walking past him.

"You skipped school today!" Liam shouted.

"Yes, I did. Good observation," I said, rolling my eyes and walking upstairs.

"Who are you,these days?" Liam asked, his voice full of disappointment. I didn't answer, but went to my room and slammed the door.

After my shower, I put on a sweatshirt and shorts but I caught glimpse of the hickey that Felix left on my neck. I frowned at it knowing that the other boys would smell his scent on me from it. I quickly covered it up and curled into my bed. Then I sobbed until tears wouldn't come out anymore.

My phone blared to life and began ringing. I checked the number and it was Rose, I guess she put her number in my phone. I checked the clock and the time was 10:42pm.

Then I answered it, "Hello," my voice cracked and Rose sighed.

"Are you okay," she asked, her voice laced with worry.

"Yah, so what happens after I left," I asked.

"Oh well they showed me their talents, like Niall could control the weather, Harry can feel what other people feel and that's why he is moody, Louis can read people's minds" and Zayn controls electricity!" Rose explained and I couldn't help but smile at how amazed she sounded.

"Oh also when they realised you left Zayn almost blew a socket.... See what I did there," she said, laughing at her own cheesy joke and I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Yeah I do, har, har, har. Anyway are you home safe and everything?" I asked.

"Yeah, Niall is here with me though," she said sounding happy.

"Haha okay well have fun, I will see you tomorrow at school," i said and then I hung up. I wrapped my self in my blankets and then fell asleep.


School pasted so slow but I managed to avoid the boys through the whole day. But I know there is no avoiding them now since I have to go to English, which I share with them.

I walked in and they were already in their seats, including Rose. It was just the six of us in class right now because the bell hasn't rung. They all had their eyes glued to me and i could see Zayn's eyes were a deep blue. I took my usual seat next to him and put my head phones in, I blasted my music and doodled on my notes so I could avoid Zayn's eyes and any type of communication with him.

It didn't last long though because suddenly my phone turned off, and the lights flickered making me snap my head towards Zayn. Everyone was already looking at him knowing he was causing the electrical problems. Zayn was staring at me though, ignoring the others, and his eyes were black with blue swirling around them. They were beautiful but that meant that he was angry and hurt.

"What," I snapped, and the lights flashed more.

"Zayn, you turned my phone off you tosser," Harry growled. I looked over at Louis and he was in his own little world, or in other people's head. Rose looked worried and Niall was holding her hand. They were so cute, I thought.

Suddenly the computers in the front of the room shut down. And the lights flashed wickedly. "Zayn what is your problem," I screamed.

"MY PROBLEM IS THAT YOU ARE IGNORING ME!!" Zayn bellowed jumping up from his seat and the lights surprisingly started getting brighter.

"Why do you even care," I sneered.

"BECAUSE I DO! IS THAT SO WRONG?!" Zayn bellowed, an his black eyes started turning blue.

"No one ever just cares," I snapped.

Zayn growled loudly, "WELL I DO," Zayn yelled and I flinched but then regained my composure.

"BUT WHY!" I screamed.

"HE LOVES YOU STUPID!" Harry yelled. "God you are such a idiot," Harry growled.

"Well that was rude of you Harry," Rose said calmly. But then the lights started flickering again, and Zayn grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door.

"Where are you taking me," I asked confused. He didn't say anything until he reached a supply closet then shoved me into it. His eyes stood out in the dark they were a bright yellow.

"Zayn..." I started but the bell cut me off, but Zayn just pinned me against the wall. He removed my hair from my neck and examined the hickey. "His name was Felix," I whispered and Zayn growled deeply but kissed my cheek.

"I love you, I don't know how or why, but I love you." Zayn said as his eyes went purple with bright yellow. I was speechless, but Zayn just started to kiss my neck were the hickey was.

He growled again as he licked the hickey. Which to my embarrassment caused me to moan and he chuckled. "You are mine," he hissed. As he nibbled the hickey, I knew he was just trying to remove Felix's scent.

"Zayn?" I whispered.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"I love you too," I whimpered. And that made his head snap up to look at me. His eyes were now a magnificent purple, he smiled widely and kissed me. "Your so beautiful, and mine," he growled as he kissed me again.

I'm in love with a werewolf.

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