Chapter 20

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Never Again: Chapter 20

Rose's POV

My neck ached. It hurt so bad. I opened my eyes, sitting up in what seemed to be a bed. I flinched when I saw Niall's body next to me, sleeping. His hand was loosely wrapped around my own. I slipped out I the covers and went to the bathroom. Something seemed different. I felt different.

I splashed water on my face and grabbed the towel. A knocking came from outside the door. "I'll be out in a minute," my voice croaked.

"Rose don't," Niall started but I screamed before he could finish. My eyes were a vibrant red. No no no no, this can't be happening. I moved my hair away from my neck and gasped.

"Niall," I opened the door to be met with his sad eyes.

"Rose you were going to die! I found you in the woods, you were hurt so bad and lost too much blood. I had to change you. I couldn't lose you," his eyes stayed blue, with purple specks.

Images from what happened before flashed before my eyes. His black eyes and his sharp claws. He left me for dead, but Niall tried his best to save me. He had no other choice. He could've let me die, but he didn't.

I couldn't say anything. My throat was dry and I couldn't speak.

"I'm sorry so Rose," Niall whispered. I couldn't be mad, it was my fault. Everything that was happening was my fault. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him closer to me. He wrapped me in his arms and I began to cry. "Don't hate me," he whispered into my hair and I fit my head into the crook of his neck.

"I could never hate you, even if I tried. It was my fault anyways," I cried and wrapped my arms around him even tighter.

"No it wasn't." Niall said sternly. "It will be okay," he spoke again, this time softer.

"I don't want to talk about it," I whispered and my tears continued to fall. "You smell good," I whispered and laughed lightly against his neck. He smelt like a warm summer day, if that was possible. I was smelling his natural scent, he smelled absolutely wonderful. I breathed in deeply and exhaled against his skin.

"That tickles," he laughed and I did too. I wiped the tears away from my eyes and sat on the bed.

"Where is everybody," I asked, trying to break the silence. The house was oddly quiet.

"They're around here somewhere, lets go find them," Niall smiled and grasped my hands around in his. We walked out the room and down the hall. I took my time walking down the steps, my legs were somewhat wobbly, probably from finding out I was a damn werewolf.

"Louis? Zayn?" I called and heard footsteps from all the way outside. They sounding like they were running. "Iris?" I called an the door bursted open, I cowered behind Niall.

"Relax it's just Louis," Niall laughed an I walked out from behind him.

"How are you doing sweetheart?" Louis asked with a sympathetic smile.

"I almost died today, then I was turned, I guess you could say I'm fantastic," I said sarcastically and shot him a fake smile.

"No need for the lip Rose," Zayn said coming in the door behind him.

"You two stink," I said and put my nose in the air, sniffing it.

"Hey no we don't," Louis said defensively.

"Smells like you two rolled in shit," I mumbled and went into the kitchen. "What time is it?" I asked and opened the fridge.

"It's about 6 o'clock."

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