After the tour

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*2 weeks after they have finished their tour for their first album they are so sat curled up on the couch in their apartment talking*
Dove: I can't believe the tour's over
Ryan: I know, that was three months of absolute bliss, you and me together all day everyday, doing what we love in front of all of our fans
Dove: you're really not helping you know!
Ryan: sorry Chlopop
*he smiles and she smiles at the use of that nickname, it was her favourite after all*
Dove: I just wanna be back out there
Ryan: hey, there will be performances in the future
Dove: yeah I guess
Ryan: well the sooner we get ourselves together and write a new album will be the sooner we can get back out on tour and plus I think you could use a rest Chlo sweetie, you were like a zombie towards the end
Dove: I so wasn't
Ryan: Chloe you were walking onto the stage saying I'm ready 3 hours before the show started cuz you had gotten up at like 3 AM for no apparent reason
Dove: okay so maybe I was a little worn out
Ryan: yeah a little
*he laughs and she shoves his shoulder, kinda giggling too*
Dove: you are so mean to me!
*now she is definitely giggling*
Ryan: oh yeah so mean
*he leans in and kisses her, she gets into it and they share a passionate kiss for a minute before separating where they sit, looking each other straight in the eye*
Ryan: I love you my little rollerchloster
Dove: aww honey, I love you too
*she giggles and blushes and he smiles at how awkward she is*
Ryan: you know we've been together nearly five years and you're still so awkward
Dove: well I'm just a shy little crazy person at heart
Ryan: oh sweetheart it's on the outside too
Dove: God you're so mean!
Ryan: love you too, now come on let's go up to the bedroom
Dove: but I'm not actually tired
Ryan: did I ever say anything about sleeping?
*he pulls a dirty smirk and she laughs her head off at this*
Dove: oh my god Ryan you are so dirty
Ryan: aww but you know you love it
Dove: maybe I do
*she giggles so cutely, he lifts her legs up from over his lap so he can get up, then he turns back to her as she is still giggling erratically and pics her up bridal style and carries her up to their bedroom with her arms wrapped tightly around his neck kissing his cheek and neck gently with maybe the occasional bite on his neck and ear (what?! She couldn't help herself she was human after all)*

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